Author Archives: TKM

Comparing and contrasting my two school districts where’s that save button hello save button mild friend please don’t go sliding by again

When I compare and contrast the two very different school districts I attended, the difference was not overtly political, but the character of the districts manifested in distinctly different qualities of education.

One of the districts was progressive, in the sense that they explored and implemented new techniques and theories in education, and seemed open to innovations like team teaching and individualized, programmed learning (I took a number of programmed courses from the Stanford Research Institute that used clever die cut booklets and inserts to simulate individualized and self testing and grading. (This was the early 60s.) They also allowed good students to take advanced classes and shave at their own pace, and emphasized flexibility in dealing with individual students.

The other district I attended was obsessed with sports and trophies, was fixated with making students conform (absurd dress code repressively enforced by (frequently, obviously alcoholic) tough guy coaches), a carefully ‘safe,’ fresh-idea-free curriculum, a long list of banned books by important 19th and 20th century authors… No Walt Whitman. No Mark Twain. Teacher turn over was high, except on the coaching staff. Academics took an absolute backseat to athletics. One of the two advanced math teachers was a multi-championship track coach. He could not teach the classes he was assigned, he could not do the work, he could not grade the work. But he was a heck of a coach. Only four people out of over 30 in the class were able to complete the curriculum, evenas far as he taught it. We didn’t finish the predetermined curriculum. The four got A’s, while everyone else got a D — which was then raised to a C by the school administration when parents of the theoretically college prep students complained en masse. Well I valued my A and did queue well in my college boards in math, i, personally, would have really liked to have had the trig that we never got to because when he wasn’t taking the algebra 2 class out to the track to set up hurdles, he was bogged down trying to teach the middle of algebra 2 — which he clearly was not capable of performing — to uncomprehending college bound Juniors and seniors. (Yes, you could not take Algebra 2 there until your junior year. Meanwhile, if I had stayed in my old school district, I would have been a year ahead.) But, hey, we sure had a lot of damn track trophies.

Oh, there’s a coda to the story: on my first day in the athletic obsessed conservative district, I was stuck in the 8th grade counselor’s office arguing to be allowed to finish Algebra in 8th grade, since I had been taking it already and had an A so far just shitty of mid-year. The counselor wouldn’t have it, of course, but made a big show of ‘consulting with the administration,’ leaving me in his office, which he used for his counseling as well as his school purchasing agent activities. He had left some paperwork for audiovisual gear lying in front of me. Being familiar with net and list prices for a lot of audio gear myself I found myself looking it over and quickly realized he was paying well over twice what he should have been paying as an institutional buyer. I went home that night and told my parents that I was pretty sure purchasing office at my school was corrupt. They were used to me, and they laughed it off. But flash forward about two decades, and six of the seven, mostly long serving school board members were arrested for various forms of corruption and malfeasance, including kickbacks. One of them was acquitted. And the rest served various sentences.


But i saw it on YouTube

I love YouTube in many ways. I love the fact that it’s an everyman’s platform. I love the fact that there are virtually no gatekeepers there.

But those things mean that, like the internet itself, you can’t believe everything you read, hear, or see, there.

There are some subtopics and real world processes that lend themselves to learning from video. YouTube is great for how-to stuff.

But video is often a highly inefficient way of absorbing detailed information.

If I am reading from a text, I can take it at my own speed, slowing down or speeding up intuitively and unconsciously as I read; I can move forward or back through the text, should I find a passage difficult or need to clarify an issue. In many cases, I can use an index or other search tools to quickly find precisely what I need to know.

Horses for horses, as they used to say.

I like to use the tool that fits the job. Video is great for some things. But for investigating complex or confounding topics, I’ll take a book or a blog or an article from someone who has taken the time to lay out his facts and thoughts coherently and, if expertise is an issue, whose credentials I can quickly investigate… all by reading.


Something a lot of folks seem to miss…

Something a lot of folks seem to miss: just because a converter can handle double+ sample rates does NOT necessarily mean that it sounds any good.

A century of perceptual science has determined the upper frequency limits of human hearing, generally given as around 20 kHz, although that is an upper bound, very few adult humans can hear that high, with that upper bound falling with abuse/wear-and-tear, disease, and age.

It’s entirely possible for the output of a DAC limited to basic CD quality (44.1 kHz / 16 bit) to sound better than a lesser converter operating at 96, 182, or 384 Hz.

A lot of naive people spend way too much time worrying about supposed quality of sound that is actually above their ability to hear. They should be paying a lot more attention to the audible range, where sound quality is going to make a perceivable difference.

Most DACs are built around widely available third party chips — but the quality of the analog audio coming out will be dependent on the design and build quality of the device’s final, analog stage.

(And, then, of course, the sound in the room will be dependent on all of that, plus the quality of the amp, quality of speakers, and, of course, crucially, the acoustics of the room — freedom from standing waves in the bass range and excessive ‘early reflections’ and flutter echo above that).


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Harvey Fletcher was, indeed, a real pioneer in sound technology. I remember seeing a little mini-doc on him (probably from Disney, who also worked somewhat closely with Bell Labs at times)… it was the artificial larynx that stuck in my mind, in part because I ran into a couple folks back then who were able to use the things to speak again. (Not mellifluously, but comprehendibly.)

I first heard stereo circa 1959* (that was from an Ampex-branded tape copy of Arthur Lyman’s exotica classic, Taboo.) My mom’s friend’s husband, a ‘hi fi nut’ as they were called at the time, had put together a jury-rigged stereo by combining his den and garage component hi fis, feeding it from an Ampex stereo deck. He had a new amp on order. [size=1]*Fantasia wasn’t presented in stereo where I saw it the first time as a little kid. But it made a big impression on me anyhow. Dinosaurs![/size]

Around then, or maybe the next year (I was 8-9), I also got to see an AT&T produced live demonstration of stereo recording and repro in the AT&T pavilion at Disneyland. (This was the [i]real[/i] AT&T, not the company so-branded today, which is, in actuality, the old Southwestern Bell (SBC), who bought up a bunch of baby Bells, as well as rights to use the AT&T badge (after the original company was broken up in a 1980s antitrust case.)

[There were also a number of ‘live simulcast’ TV-radio broadcast presentations that demonstrated stereo. The first one I remember required an FM radio, an AM radio and a TV. As I recall, they kept the TV sound mono and then split the stereo mix to the radio channels. Obviously, not ideal, since the conventional AM broadcasts didn’t have much frequency content above 6-8 kHz, as I recall. After FM stereo became more common, and 70s TV picked up on rock/pop live concert shows, a more sensible TV-mono with full-stereo-mix on FM stereo had its heyday.]

It wasn’t long after that that one of my relatives (who had a thing for those 60s bachelor gift catalogs, though he was a middle-aged family- and businessman — bought an FM Stereo table set, the first commercial stereo product I ever saw. The ‘base’ had the knobs and one channel speaker; the satellite unit had the other speaker in a smaller box. It got around one of the biggest complaints about stereo in those days — the need to have wires connecting it all — by using the house’s internal power wiring as a signal carrier. They were sending analog signal, filtered up above the 60 Hz frequency in use in American AC power. As I recall, it was only good if both units were on the same panel circuit. I browbeat my folks to use our cache of Bluechip Trading Stamps (if you have to ask, you’re too young to possibly care) to get an RCA portable stereo — which I was pretty much immediately disappointed in, in part because the speakers were built into the case on either side of the flip down TT, about 14″ apart. My train and jet fly by records were super unimpressive over it. My disappointment, though, drove me to assemble my own ‘component’ stereo within a year or two, 1963. (I remember playing my friend’s family’s new imitation-Beatles 99 cent knockoff record over bare speakers sitting on my bedroom floor.) The twig was bent.


How do you feel about ‘high resolution’ digital audio?

[Someone in a Facebook group asked me more or less the question below.]

TK, how do you feel about ‘high resolution’ digital audio? Can you hear the difference between 16/44.1 and 24/96??

I have not seen any formal, properly designed experimental/testing data which demonstrates the ability of adult humans to hear sounds in free air (as opposed to bone conduction, which has been explored as part of hearing assistance R&D) significantly higher than the commonly accepted nominal bound of human hearing (20 Hz – 20 kHz) and have never seen credible scientific evidence presented of outliers who could hear above 22 kHz.

(There is a study by a Japanese researcher, Oohashi, that produced experimental data suggesting a respondent in their testing, as i recall it, did show such outlying capability, but that study’s methodology was criticized as compromised in peer review. As far as I know, that finding has never been replicated.)

There is certainly no evidential reason I know of to think there is any widespread ability to hear above the scientifically accepted human threshold.

So, what do we make of people who claim they can hear performance differences at high sample rates on a given converter– of whom there are quite many?

The first and most ‘obvious’ factor in the common view of perceptual scientists is the old experimental bugaboo, cognitive bias. Cognitive bias can manifest in a number of forms, most prominently, as confirmation bias (the so-called placebo effect).

Of course, no one likes to be told they are imagining perceptions, particularly perceptions they believe set them apart from the common ability — but confirmation bias of this nature is extremely well documented in the scientific literature and has been studied extensively.

It is the fundamental reason that perceptual testing is virtually always done in double bind conditions to prevent extraneous cues that can influence the subject to believe one way or the other.

Fundamentally, we humans did not evolve to be rational creatures who innately analyze the world through logic. (Logical analysis and reasoning are essentially learned capabilities.)

On the contrary, humans, like other animals, evolved in such a way as to facilitate their survival in a primordial wilderness, making snap decisions based on heuristic shortcuts in order to be able to respond to immediate threats in their environment.


There is a substantial body of unscientific (but quite sincere) assertions by a number of fairly experienced practitioners of audio recording who have claimed to be able to tell the difference between sample rates in their recording and playback systems.

This is not necessarily suggestive that these people are imagining their ability to differentiate!

The most commonly asserted, scientifically credible reason is that different ADC/DAC devices can be demonstrated to perform with varying sonic characteristics at different sample rates — characteristics that CAN manifest in the nominal audible range — in large part because of differences in anti-alias filter design and application at different sample rates. (Judging from anecdotal evidence, this was probably a bigger factor in early converter designs. However the rise of multi-bit over-sampling in modern converter design has generally greatly lessened perceivable differences between well-designed converters.)

So, it is, indeed, entirely possible that a recordist or audiophile might be able to perceive performance characteristic differences in a given converter operating at different sample rates. This, however, can be explained without having to resort to overthrowing scientifically accepted nominal frequency bounds of human hearing.




Enslaving other humans, by and large, does not produce much in the way of cultural, intellectual, or moral benefit to the enslavers. It leaves one with a culture bereft of empathy, real morality, or — quite obviously — any sort of vision of improving the lot of themselves or other humans. It produces a culture of taking and hating.

As has been manifest by the last century and a half of postbellum Southern life and culture, despite multiple attempts to bring them into the mainstream of American life and values.

Worse, the southern racist diaspora has helped spread their peculiar and perverse brand of small-minded evil through the rest of the nation. (NOT that humans need that much ‘help’ being small minded or untrusting, don’t get me wrong. The south of the slavers did NOT invent human cruelty or evil.)


My stream faves end of 2019

Joy Division- She’s Lost Control (2007 Remaster)
Chuck Jackson- I Keep Forgetting
Ann Peebles- I Can’t Stand the Rain
Nina Simone- Pirate Jenny (Live At Carnegie Hall, New York/1964)
Carolina Chocolate Drops- Hit ‘Em Up Style
Nina Simone- The House of the Rising Sun
Nina Simone- Day and Night
Nina Simone- Sinnerman (Live In New York/1965)
Neil Young- Needle of Death
Roy Smeck- Kalima Walk
Kanui & Lula- My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua
The Sweet Inspirations- Them Boys
The Sweet Inspirations- Do Right Woman, Do Right Man
The Sweet Inspirations- Unchained Melody
The Sweet Inspirations- To Love Somebody
The Sweet Inspirations- I’ve Been Loving You Too Long
Easy Star All-Stars- Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds (feat. Frankie Paul)
Dan Hicks & His Hot Licks- I Scare Myself
Toumast- Nimanghran Maanin
Japan- Wish You Were Black
The Rolling Stones- Empty Heart
Creedence Clearwater Revival- I Put A Spell On You (Live At The Woodstock Music & Art Fair / 1969)
Creedence Clearwater Revival- Suzie Q (Live At The Woodstock Music & Art Fair / 1969)
Peter, Paul and Mary- Well, Well, Well
Various- Not Since Nineveh
Oumou Sangare – Rokia Traoré- I dan soko
Sylvester Weaver- What Makes a Man Blue
Afenginn- Bordrone
Mahmoud Ahmed- Ney denun tesesh
Eddie & Ernie- Time Waits for No-One
Cocteau Twins- Heaven Or Las Vegas
The Fairfield Four- Don’t Let Nobody Turn You Around
Randy Newman- Gone Dead Train
Ry Cooder- Powis Square
Georgia Sea Island Singers- Beulah Land
Bessie Jones- Go to Sleepy Little Baby
Joe Henderson- Blue Bossa (Remastered)
Captain Beefheart- Candle Mambo
Amy LaVere- Candle Mambo
Jimmy Wyble- Twenty Three (Jig Saw)
Jimmy Wyble- Etude 8
Deaf School- The 4th Of September Street
James Melton- She Moved Through The Fair
The Staple Singers- Got To Be Some Changes Made
Monsieur Periné- La Muerte
Magic Sam- Look Whatcha Done
Electric Light Orchestra- Eldorado Overture
Electric Light Orchestra- Can’t Get It out of My Head
Electric Light Orchestra- Laredo Tornado
King Tubby & Prince Jammy- African Sounds
Foday Musa Suso- Sir Dawda Jawara
The Platters- Sixteen Tons (Spot Citroen C3)
Varetta Dillard- The Night Is Never Long Enough
Café Tacvba- El Aparato
Dolly Parton- Coat of Many Colors
Joao Gilberto- O Pato (Remastered)
The Rolling Stones- Out Of Time
Joe Maphis- Kentucky Waltz
Joe Maphis- When It’s Time For The Whippoorwill To Sing
The Boswell Sisters- Don’t Let Your Love Go Wrong
The Boswell Sisters- Crazy People
Rosie Flores- Can’t Find My Way Home (Bonus Track)
Dan Hicks- Sweet Lorraine (Live Version)
Sunny War- He Is My Cell
Timmy Thomas- Why Can’t We Live Together
R.L. Burnside- Hard Time Killing Floor
Donald Pippin;Danny Sewell- My Name (From “Oliver!”) (2003 Remastered)
Donald Pippin;Georgia Brown;Alice Playten- It’s a Fine Life (From “Oliver!”) (2003 Remastered)
Curtis Mayfield- Superfly
Curtis Mayfield- Think (Instrumental)
Curtis Mayfield- No Thing On Me (Cocaine Song)
Curtis Mayfield- Eddie You Should Know Better
Curtis Mayfield- Give Me Your Love (Love Song)
Curtis Mayfield- Junkie Chase (Instrumental)
Curtis Mayfield- Freddie’s Dead [Theme From ‘Superfly’]
Curtis Mayfield- Pusherman
Curtis Mayfield- Little Child Runnin’ Wild
The Big Bopper- Chantilly Lace
Jesse Winchester- Brand New Tennessee Waltz (Live)
Jim Kweskin- My Creole Belle
Jimmy Wyble- Twenty One (Two Lines for Barney)
Jimmy Wyble- Etude 25
Ry Cooder- Denomination Blues
The Tams- What Kind Of Fool (Do You Think I Am)
The Dixie Cups- You Should Have Seen The Way He Looked At Me – Original
The Dixie Cups- Iko Iko – Original
Lee Morgan- I’m A Fool To Want You
Arthur Prysock- My Funny Valentine
10cc- Une Nuit A Paris (Part 1) / The Same Night In Paris (Part 2) / Later The Same Night In Paris (Part 3)
The Quick- Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Mayfly- Blue Sofa
Cruzados- Blue Sofa (Still a Fool)
Diamanda Galas- My World Is Empty Without You
The Grass Roots- Let’s Live For Today
The Drifters- It Was A Tear
Daniel Romano- I’m Not Crying Over You
The Deslondes- What Are They Doing in Heaven Today? (feat. Twain)
Los Trevi- Morenita Mia
Los Trevi- La Flor de la Canela
Blossom Dearie- Once Upon A Summertime
North German Radio Dance Orchestra- Theme from “The Ipcress File”
Prent Rodgers- The Rocks of Glacier Creek
Monsieur Periné- La Playa
Biltmore Hotel Trio- Clownin’ the Frets
Elizabeth Barraclough- Shepherd’s Bush
Carl Hall- You Don’t Know Nothing About Love
Boney James- On The Prowl
Vicki Sue Robinson- Turn the Beat Around
Bixiga 70- Levante
Bixiga 70- Quebra Cabeça
Captain Beefheart- Love Lies
Four Freshmen- Angel Eyes (feat. 5 Trombones)
Connie Francis- Angel Eyes
Steve Hillage- Om Nama Shivaya (2006 Digital Remaster)
Johnny Mathis- The Twelfth of Never (Single Version)
Renato Carosone- Tu vuo’ fa’ l’Americano
The Rolling Stones- Sympathy For The Devil (50th Anniversary Edition)
The Rolling Stones- Salt Of The Earth (50th Anniversary Edition)
The Rolling Stones- Stray Cat Blues (50th Anniversary Edition)
The Rolling Stones- Prodigal Son (50th Anniversary Edition)
The Rolling Stones- Street Fighting Man (50th Anniversary Edition)
The Rolling Stones- Parachute Woman (50th Anniversary Edition)
The Rolling Stones- Dear Doctor (50th Anniversary Edition)
The Rolling Stones- No Expectations (50th Anniversary Edition)
Led Zeppelin- Tea for One
Don Nelson- There’ll Never Be Another You (feat. Jimmy Rowles, Leroy Vinnegar & Stan Levey)
Sound Psychologist- Le Mans
The Richard Gleason Orchestra- Peter Gunn
The Richard Gleason Orchestra- Riff-Blues (from “Mike Hammer”)
Steven Knechtges- Actor on the Edge
David Napihi Burrows- Drifting (The 1920’s) (feat. M.K. Moke, Annie Kerr, Mike Hanapi, Sol Ho’opii, Steppy De Rego, Jules Ah See, Walter Wailehua, Tau Moe, Benny Rogers, 1920s to 1950s Acoustic & Electric & Nominee Anthology of the Year 2000)
Portishead- Undenied
Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass- If I Were A Rich Man
TK Major- Losing Lisa
Jerry Reed- Barbara Allen
Kaia Kater- Petit Chagrin
Kasey Chambers- Good Enough
Eliza Gilkyson- Fast Freight
Terry Gilkyson- Marianne (Single Version)
Big House- She’s Got the Magic
Jackie McLean- Minor Apprehension (Remastered)
The Kingston Trio- Tom Dooley
The Clancy Brothers- The Wind That Shakes the Barley
Ebba Forsberg- Hey, That’s No Way to Say Goodbye
Ebba Forsberg- Take This Waltz
Glynis Johns- Send in the Clowns
The Velvet Underground- Jesus
The Velvet Underground- After Hours
The Velvet Underground- That’s The Story Of My Life
The Velvet Underground- I’m Set Free
The Velvet Underground- Beginning To See The Light
The Velvet Underground- Pale Blue Eyes
Zouzou- Tu Fais Partie Du Passe
Quincy Jones- Soul Bossa Nova
Bixiga70- Mancaleone
Elis Regina- Aquas De Marco (Waters Of March)
Kaia Kater- Harlem’s Little Blackbird
Jefferson Airplane- Volunteers (Remastered 2004)
Sarah Vaughan- When Sunny Gets Blue
Blossom Dearie- I Won’t Dance
Mike Bloomfield- Season of the Witch (Live)
Man Man- Zebra
John Phillips- Rhumba Boogie
Bob Dylan- She Belongs to Me
Radiohead- Videotape
Gene Autry- Do Right Daddy Blues
Bing Crosby, The Andrews Sisters- One Meat Ball
Shirley & Company- Shame, Shame, Shame (Vocal Version)
Leo Kottke- Crow River Waltz
Smokey Robinson & The Miracles- The Tears Of A Clown (Single Version / Mono)
Renato Carosone- Caravan Petrol
TK Major- Who’ll Stop Lorraine (2018-12-08 version)
Amadou & Mariam- Je Pense A Toi
Lee Michaels- Carnival of Life
Pinback- Messenger
Pinback- Concrete Seconds (Demo)
Rachel Unthank & The Winterset- Raven Girl
Rachel Unthank & The Winterset- River Man
Iain Matthews- Reno Nevada
Sylvester Weaver- Alligator Blues
Gene Pitney- Only Love Can Break A Heart
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings- Keep On Looking
Julian Lage- All Purpose Beginning
The Jimi Hendrix Experience- Stone Free
Country Joe & The Fish- Not So Sweet Martha Lorraine
Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass- I Will Wait For You
Astrud Gilberto- I Will Wait For You
Rhinoceros- Same Old Way
Christopher Milk- Poor Baby
Donovan- Wear Your Love Like Heaven (Single Version)
Abigail Washburn & The Sparrow Quartet- Taiyang Chulai
Richard And Linda Thompson- Dimming Of The Day (Live Version)
Richard And Linda Thompson- Walking On A Wire
Richard And Linda Thompson- Wall Of Death
Marty Robbins- El Paso
Rhiannon Giddens- Underneath the Harlem Moon
The Rolling Stones- Factory Girl (50th Anniversary Edition)
The Rolling Stones- Jigsaw Puzzle (50th Anniversary Edition)
The Kinks- Celluloid Heroes
Sly & The Family Stone- Everybody Is a Star (single master)
Rhiannon Giddens- Factory Girl
A3 (Alabama 3)- Woke up This Morning
Moulettes/The Muel- Sing Unto Me (By The Muel)
The Be Good Tanyas- Waiting Around To Die
Mike Clark- Attack of the 40ft Woman
Mike Clark- Stingers
War- Slippin’ Into Darkness
Rothmeyer & Frippenstein-
Rothmeyer & Frippenstein-
Rothmeyer & Frippenstein-
Rothmeyer & Frippenstein- Deep Blue Nowhere
the everybodyfields- Good to be Home
The Rolling Stones- Complicated
Gaz Coombes- World’s Strongest Man
Split Enz- My Mistake
Anthony Hamilton- Comin’ from Where I’m From (Radio Mix)
The Abyssinians- Satta Massagana (Original Jamaican Mix)
The Abyssinians- Black Man Strain (Original Jamaican Mix)
Playing For Change- Satchita
Playing For Change- Gimme Shelter
June Tabor- The King Of Rome
Nikki Hill- Twistin’ the Night Away
Neil Young- What Did You Do to My Life?
David Bowie- Moss Garden (2017 Remastered Version)
Ornette Coleman- Lonely Woman
Patty Griffin- Don’t Let Me Die In Florida
Rasputina- If Your Kisses Can’t Hold the Man You Love
Ann Savoy & Her Sleepless Knights- If Your Kisses Can’t Hold the Man You Love
Gil Scott-Heron- Whitey On The Moon
Buzzcocks- Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve)?
Buzzcocks- Harmony In My Head
Buzzcocks- Noise Annoys
Buzzcocks- Autonomy
Buzzcocks- What Do I Get?
Ray Whitley- Ten Gallon Stetson
Tim Hardin- Don’t Make Promises
Tim Hardin- The Lady Came From Baltimore
The Firesign Theatre- Station Break
Los Mirlos- A Tiempo
Marianne Faithfull- Yesterdays
Plearn Promdan- Wan Maha Sanook
Anna & Elizabeth- Old Kimball
Bow Wow Wow- Chihuahua
Sara Watkins- Long Hot Summer Days
Paul Kossoff- I’m Ready
Edwin Starr and Jimi Hendrix- Purple War (mashup)
Black Sabbath- Paranoid
Lucho Bermúdez- Gaita De Las Flores
Sparks- (When I Kiss You) I Hear Charlie Parker Playing
Tanika Charles- Soul Run
The Louvin Brothers- She Didn’t Even Know I Was Gone
Alemayehu Eshete- Manihun Tilek Saw
Boxcar Willie- Don’t Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes
Boxcar Willie- Red River Valley
Tony Joe White- Conjure Woman
George Hall And His Hotel Taft Orchestra- Remember My Forgotten Man (From “Gold Diggers of 1933″) (2003 Remastered)
Can- The Empress And The Ukraine King
Aggie Dukes- Swing Low Sweet Cadillac
John Renbourn- Bourree I And II
Dave Mason- It’s Like You Never Left
Fleetwood Mac- Bare Trees
Dave Mason- Headkeeper
Dave Mason- Baby…Please
No Small Children- Laisse Tomber Les Filles
Art Brut- Late Sunday Evening
Art Brut- Modern Art
Fatoumata Diawara- Nterini
The Hollies- Charlie And Fred (1999 Remastered Version)
Lily & Maria- Fourteen After One
Lily & Maria- Melt Me
Lily & Maria- Aftermath
Lily & Maria- Ismene – Jasmine
Lily & Maria- I Was
Lily & Maria- Everybody Knows
Lily & Maria- Subway Thoughts
Lily & Maria- There’ll Be No Clowns Tonight
Pigbag- Sunny Day (7” Version)
Gene Pitney- (The Man Who Shot) Liberty Valance
Gene Autry- Stay Away From My Chicken House
Tony Joe White- Willie And Laura Mae Jones
Tony Joe White- Polk Salad Annie
The Duhks- Mighty Storm
Bonnie Raitt- Bluebird (Live)
Bonnie Raitt- Stayed Too Long At The Fair (Live)
Bassekou Kouyate + Ngoni ba – Banani (feat. Lobi Traoré)
Albert King- I’ll Play The Blues For You (Pts 1 & 2)
Richard & Mimi Fariña- Reno Nevada
C.W. Stoneking- I Heard The Marchin’ Of The Drums
Rodrigo Y Gabriela- Savitri
The Tams- Riding For A Fall
Dick Hyman- The Cat
Linda Ronstadt- I’m A Fool To Want You
7Horse- Low Fuel Drug Run
Eddy Boston- Fix It
Roy Rogers- One More River To Cross
Howlin’ Wolf- Smokestack Lightnin’
Mance Lipscomb- Cocaine Done Killed My Baby
ZZ Top- Balinese (Remastered Version)
Studio Group- Like A God
Dion- (I Was) Born To Cry
Jim Reeves- I’m gonna change everything
Lil Green- Why Don’t You Do Right?
Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown- Up Jumped The Devil
Серебряная свадьба- Schreib Mir
Captain Beefheart And The Magic Band- Too Much Time
Captain Beefheart And The Magic Band- Her Eyes Are A Blue Million Miles
Captain Beefheart And The Magic Band- My Head Is My Only House Unless It Rains
The Greencards- Traveler’s Song
Benny Goodman feat. Peggy Lee- Where Or When
The Firesign Theatre- Side .001
the everybodyfields- Angels
Hans Reichel- Mr. and Mrs. Alcohol
Art Brut- Moving to L.A.
Art Brut- Formed a Band
Jeannie C. Riley- Harper Valley P.T.A.
Jeannie C. Riley- One Toke Over The Line
Jeannie C. Riley- One Toke Over the Line
Bruce Springsteen- Spirit in the Night
Eartha Kitt- Speak Low
Eartha Kitt- Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
Eartha Kitt- Angelitos Negros
Café Tacvba- Enamorada
7Horse- Meth Lab Zoso Sticker
Los Trevi- El Andariego
Bela Fleck- Bloomin’ Rose
Frank Zappa- Plastic People
Otis Rush- Double Trouble
Della Mae- Boston Town
Joni Mitchell- River
Crooked Still- Darling Corey
Frank Zappa- Concentration Moon
The Mothers Of Invention- It Can’t Happen Here
Frank Zappa- Mom & Dad
Jefferson Airplane- The Ballad of You & Me & Pooneil
Jefferson Airplane- Won’t You Try / Saturday Afternoon
Jefferson Airplane- Two Heads
Jefferson Airplane- Watch Her Ride
Jefferson Airplane- Martha
Jefferson Airplane- Young Girl Sunday Blues
Jefferson Airplane- Wild Tyme
Fleetwood Mac- Love That Burns
Led Zeppelin- Tea For One
? & The Mysterians- Girl (You Captivate Me)
Kay Starr- Bonaparte’s Retreat
Adrienne Young & Little Sadie- Hills & Hollers
Carl Wyatt & The Delta Voodoo Kings- Help Me Blow Them Blues Away (feat. .Archie Lee Hooker)
Carl Wyatt & The Delta Voodoo Kings- Rainy Night In Georgia (feat. .Archie Lee Hooker)
Moulettes- Medusa
Gene Pitney- It Hurts To Be In Love
The Velvet Underground- Lonesome Cowboy Bill (2015 Remastered)
Amanda Fish- Don’t Mean a Thing
Kitty Wells- Welcome to My World
Joe Walsh- Turn To Stone
Little Eva- Keep Your Hands off My Baby
Little Eva- The Loco-Motion (Single Version)
Gene Autry- A Yodeling Hobo
Roy Acuff- Our Own Jole Blon
Weill, Kurt- Alabama Song
-Paul Parlay– Beyonce’s Bank Account
Jjason Blackwell- Step Inside My Mind
Jjason Blackwell- The Gate
Jjason Blackwell- Burdens
Jjason Blackwell- 2000 Wetdreams
Jjason Blackwell- Natural Days
Jjason Blackwell- Johnny Can Fly
Jjason Blackwell- Heroin(e)
Jjason Blackwell- Who Is Jjason Blackwell?
Aretha Franklin- It Ain’t Necessarily So (from Porgy and Bess)
Hailu Mergia & The Walias- Musicawi Silt
Kalama’s Quartet- Kuu Lei (My Wreath Of Flowers)
Kalama’s Quartet- Hilo Hula
Linda Ronstadt- In My Reply
Linda Ronstadt- Desperado
Fleetwood Mac- Hypnotized
The Spinners- I’ll Be Around (Remastered Version)
Ronnie Montrose- Town Without Pity
Skatalites- Summer Dub
Gaby Moreno- Nostalgia
Dave Bartholomew- Cat Music
Joan Blondell- Remember My Forgotten Man
Henry Kaiser- Cold Rain And Snow
The 5 Royales- I’d Better Make a Move
The Byrds- Chestnut Mare
The Monkees- Porpoise Song (Theme From “Head”)
Cal Tjader- Poinciana
Jimmy Wyble- No More Blues
Big Youth- Screaming Target
Moulettes- Revenge Of The Bear
Abigail Washburn- Devine Bell
the everybodyfields- In Your Boots
Captain Beefheart And His Magic Band- Where There’s Woman (Mono)
Ian & Sylvia- Reason To Believe
Ian & Sylvia- Windy Weather
Ian & Sylvia- National Hotel
Ian & Sylvia- I Don’t Believe You
Ian & Sylvia- Big River
Ian & Sylvia- Hang On To A Dream
Songhoy Blues- Yersi Yadda
Trio Los Destellos- Usted
Richard & Linda Thompson- Night Comes In
Richard & Linda Thompson- For Shame of Doing Wrong
Richard & Linda Thompson- The Poor Boy Is Taken Away
Caitlin Canty- Wore Your Ring
Pokey LaFarge & the South City Three- Drinkin’ Whiskey Tonight
Red Onion Jazz Babies- Nobody Knows The Way I Feel This Morning
Van Morrison- Madame George (Original Mono Mix)
Van Morrison- Madame George
The Duhks- Ol’ Cook Pot
Gabor Szabo- The Last One To Be Loved
Abigail Washburn- My Home Is Across The Blue Ridge Mountains
Fairport Convention- Reno Nevada (Live)
Gentle Mystics- Sit With Me
Stone Poneys- 2:10 Train
Steve Gillette- 2:10 Train
Peter, Paul and Mary- Pack Up Your Sorrows
Richard Farina- House Un-American Blues Activity Dream
Peter, Paul and Mary- The King Of Names
Andy Pratt- Records + Records (Records Are Like Life)
Andy Pratt- Low Tide Island
Andy Pratt- Mindy
Andy Pratt- Bella Bella
Andy Pratt- Little Boy Hound Dog
Andy Pratt- Shiney Susie
Andy Pratt- Oliver
Andy Pratt- Wet Dady
Moulettes- Sing Unto Me (Single Edit)
The Be Good Tanyas- What Are They Doing In Heaven Today
Ian Matthews- Reno Nevada (Live)
Nneka- Pray for You
Kasey Chambers- Your Day Will Come
Déanta- Culloden’s Harvest
Tedeschi Trucks Band- Midnight in Harlem
The Rolling Stones- Factory Girl
Bonnie Dobson- Factory Girl
Sir Valentino, Combo Esclaves- Masters Are Gone
The Viscounts- Sophisticated Lady
Duke Ellington- Harlem Nocturne
Jonathan Richman- That Summer Feeling
Jonathan Richman- Rooming House On Venice Beach
Jonathan Richman- You Can’t Talk To The Dude
London Grammar- Wasting My Young Years
King Nawahi- Honolulu Bound
The Kinks- Alcohol
The Jimi Hendrix Experience- One Rainy Wish
The Jimi Hendrix Experience- If 6 Was 9
Marc Benno & Leon Russell- Death of the Flowers
Modest Mouse- Bury Me With It
Pink Floyd- Matilda Mother
Brian Eno + David Byrne- The Jezebel Spirit
Robert Preston & Ensemble- Ya Got Trouble / Seventy Six Trombones
Robert Preston- The Sadder But Wiser Girl
Robert Preston & Ensemble- Ya Got Trouble
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds- Saint Huck (2009 Remastered Version)
The Supremes- Baby Love (Mono)
The Supremes- Love Child (Single Version Mono)
Lord Buckley- Jonah and the Whale
Moulettes- Between Two Mirrors (feat. Blaine Harrison)
J.D. Crowe & The New South- Rock Salt & Nails
Gaby Moreno- Quizás, Quizás, Quizás
Bob Dylan- It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry
Bob Dylan- Desolation Row
Bob Dylan- Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan- Queen Jane Approximately
Bob Dylan- Like a Rolling Stone
Bob Dylan- Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues
Kasey Chambers- Adam and Eve
David Bowie- TVC15 (2016 Remastered Version)
Ultravox!- Dislocation
Jefferson Airplane- She Has Funny Cars
Sweetwater- Motherless Child
Thelonious Monk- Monk’s Mood
Guy Clark- She Ain’T Goin’ Nowhere
Various- Sagittarius / My World Fell Down (mono single version)
Brian Eno- Dead Finks Don’t Talk (2004 Digital Remaster)
Country Joe And The Fish- Eastern Jam
Country Joe & The Fish- Porpoise Mouth
Sarah Vaughan- That Old Black Magic
Amy Helm- Deep Water
Amy Helm- Didn’t It Rain
Chance McCoy and The Appalachian String Band- Gospel Plow
Harry Belafonte- Danny Boy
Richard Greene- Danny Boy (feat. David Nichtern)
Robert Plant- Carry Fire
Skip James- My Own Blues
The Richard Gleason Orchestra- Perry Mason Theme
Carolina Chocolate Drops- Trampled Rose
Paul McCartney & Wings- Picasso’s Last Words (Drink to Me) (2010 Digital Remaster)
Jjason Blackwell- Peanut Butter, Jelly Jelly
Johnny Frigo- There Will Never Be Another You
Tom Waits- Cemetery Polka
The Heartbeats- A Thousand Miles Away
Tennessee Ernie Ford- The Cry Of The Wild Goose
Guy Clark- Let Him Roll
Clyde McPhatter- Everyone’s Laughing
Black Dub- Slow Baby
Fatoumata Diawara- Kokoro
Charles Mingus and his Jazz Groups- Far Wells, Mill Valley
The Specials- Too Hot (2002 Digital Remaster)
Martha Reeves- Jimmy Mark
Chuck Jackson- I Keep Forgettin´
Barbara George- I Know (You Don´t Love Me No More)
Henk Badings- Evolutionen – 6: Finale
Bilal- Home (Album Version Explicit)
Genesis- I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
Macy Gray- I’ve Committed Murder
Scotty Anderson- We Gotta Get Out of This Place
Tamikrest- Djanegh etoumast
Sunny War- Careless Love
Robert Plant- Carving Up the World Again…a wall and not a fence
Harry Belafonte- The Jack-Ass Song
Hank Williams- I’ll Be a Bachelor Till I Die
Billy Strange- The James Bond Theme
Billy Strange- House Of The Rising Sun
Ry Cooder- Great Dream From Heaven
The Be Good Tanyas- It’s Not Happening
The Viscounts- Harlem Nocturne (Single Version)
The Viscounts- September Song
Peetie Wheatstraw- Police Station Blues (1932)
Lowell George- I Can’t Stand The Rain
The Four Freshmen- Lonely Night in Paris
Mills Brothers- Doin’ the New Low Down
Aretha Franklin- Money Won’t Change You
Aretha Franklin- Chain of Fools
Can- Hunters And Collectors
Iggy Pop- Nightclubbing
Серебряная свадьба- Старая падла
Richard Thompson- A Heart Needs A Home (Alternate Take)
Jimmy Dean- Big Bad John
Johnny Cash- Big River – Original
Sons Of The Pioneers- Cigareetes, Whusky And Wild, Wild Women
Jack DeJohnette New Directions- Silver Hollow
The Felice Brothers- Frankie’s Gun!
Robert Wyatt- Shipbuilding (Remastered in 1998)
The Ditty Bops- Get Up ‘N’ Go
Charlie Musselwhite- Christo Redemptor
Bilal- Flying
John Prine- Sam Stone
Fela Kuti- Stalemate
The Drifters- Save the Last Dance for Me [mono]
The Dixie Cups- Iko Iko [mono]
Eddie Floyd- Knock on Wood [mono]
Marcia Griffiths- Oh No Not My Baby (feat. Zum-Jay)
Maxime Brown- Oh No Not My Baby [mono]
The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra- Peter Gunn
Andrew Bird- The greenhorn/Exile of Erin/Glasgow Reel
Andrew Bird- Nuthinduan Waltz
Andrew Bird- Ambivalence Waltz
The Capitols- Cool Jerk
Ronnie & The Pomona Casuals- The Jerk
The Toys- I Got a Man
The Firesign Theatre- The Further Adventures Of Nick Danger
Keletigui et Ses Tambourinis- Miri Magnin
Richard And Linda Thompson- Did She Jump Or Was She Pushed?
Raymond Scott- Someone To Watch Over Me
Larry Cordle- The Other Side of Life
Marty Stuart And His Fabulous Superlatives- Move Along Train (feat. Mavis Staples)
The Duhks- Moses Don’t Get Lost
Trio Mandili- Chito-Gvrito
Eve Boswell- Gypsy Moon (Csak egy Kislány & Szep a Rozsam, Czárdás) (Hungarian)
Richard Crooks- Gypsy Moon
Los Mirlos- Mi Triste Lamento
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66- Constant Rain
The Drifters- Drip Drop
Chicago Farmer- Illinois Anthem
Sparks- Achoo
Lene Lovich- New Toy
TK Major- The Scene Is Dead
Elvis Costello- Watching The Detectives
Talking Heads- Uh-Oh, Love Comes To Town
Rick Derringer- Parchman Farm
James Brown- These Foolish Things (Single – Mono Version)
Iron & Wine- Your Fake Name Is Good Enough For Me
Eartha Kitt- My Heart Belongs to Daddy
Eartha Kitt- I Want to Be Evil
Eartha Kitt- Just an Old Fashioned Girl
Eartha Kitt- Whatever Lola Wants
Pete Berryman- One Blue Guitar
Music Legends- Twin Peaks Theme (8 Bit Version)
Music Legends- Star Trek Theme (8 Bit Version)
Pat Kirtley- Star of the Country Down
Tom Long- Banish Misfortune
Tom Long- The Butterfly
Tom Long- Hardiman the Fiddler
Bilal- Astray
Rory Gallagher- Tattoo’d Lady
Frank Sinatra- Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing
Snakefinger- The Model
Elvis Costello – This Year’s Girl
Edith Piaf- Les Feuilles mortes (Autumn leaves) [Live]
The Rooftop Singers- Tom Cat
Pigbag- Papa’s Got a Brand New Pigbag (7″ Version)
The Velvet Underground- Cool It Down (2015 Remastered)
Bob Marley & The Wailers- Concrete Jungle
C.W. Stoneking- The Thing I Done
DeVotchKa- We’re Leaving
The Buffalo Bills- It’s You
The Castaways- New York’s a Lonely Town
Bob & Earl- Harlem Shuffle
Lindsey Buckingham- Go Insane
Amanda Palmer- Institutionalized
The Clovers- One Mint Julep
The Invincibles- Heart Full of Love
Pete Drake- The Spook
Kraftwerk- Computer Love (2009 – Remaster)
Jonathan Richman- I Was Dancing In The Lesbian Bar
They Might Be Giants- I Was Dancing in the Lesbian Bar
M’Lumbo- Get Smart – Mussorgsky Christmas Medley
Hugo Montenegro & His Orchestra- Get Smart Theme (From the NBC Television series “Get Smart”)
The Sweet Inspirations- Sweet Inspiration
DeVotchKa- La Llorrona
The Louvin Brothers- You’re Running Wild
Djelimady Tounkara- Fanta Bourama
Country Joe & The Fish- Section 43
Gene Chandler- Duke Of Earl [original single – mono]
Gaby Moreno- Mean Old Circus
The Five Keys- Wisdom Of A Fool
Ewan MacColl- Dirty Old Town
Sweet Talks- Kyekye Pe Aware
Girma Beyene- Ene negn bay manesh
The Byrds- Hickory Wind
Nazz- How Can You Call That Beautiful
The Silkroad Ensemble- O’Neill’s Cavalry March (feat. Martin Hayes)
The Silkroad Ensemble- St. James Infirmary Blues (feat. Michael Ward-Bergeman, Reylon Yount & Rhiannon Giddens)
Nação Zumbi- Carnaval
Betty Carter- Who What Why Where When
Chet Baker- Don’t Explain
Hazmat Modine- Arcadia (Coffe, Salt and Laces)
Bearcoon- Whiskey
Henry Mancini & His Orchestra- Experiment in Terror
Sparks- When Do I get to Sing “My Way”
Ray Davies- Celluloid Heroes
Sparks- Thank God It’s Not Christmas
Rick James- Bustin’ Out
Lou Rawls- Dead End Street
Lou Rawls- Tobacco Road
Aaron Neville- Cry Me a River
Blossom Dearie, Kenny Burrell, Ed Thigpen and Ray Brown- Lonely Town
Casino Music- The Beat Goes On
Material With Nona Hendryx- Bustin’ Out (Seize the Beat Version) (feat. Nona Hendryx)
Thelonious Monk- Ruby, My Dear
The Human League- Night People (Cerrone Club Mix)
13th Floor Elevators- You’re Gonna Miss Me (Stereo LP Version)
Jim Kweskin- The Cuckoo
Los Trevi- Mucho Corazon
Lothar and the Hand People- Machines
Kraftwerk- The Man Machine (2009 Digital Remaster)
Arthur Alexander- Every Day I Have to Cry Some
Conway Twitty- Lonely Blue Boy
Freddie Roulette- Song For My Father
Linda Perhacs- Paper Mountain Man
Guy Clark- L.A. Freeway
Jon Boden- Frankie’s Trade
Blossom Dearie- Just One Of Those Things
Blossom Dearie- It Might as Well Be Spring
Blossom Dearie- I’m Hip
Blossom Dearie- The Gentleman Is A Dope
Blossom Dearie- When Sunny Gets Blue
Aretha Franklin (feat. Duane Allman)- The Weight
Oscar Aleman- Besame Mucho
Kenny Segal- Worlds To Run (VIP Dub)
Busdriver- Worlds to Run
Ernest Ranglin- Flaming Rock Steady
Dan Auerbach- Stand by My Girl
Jill Scott- Shame (feat. Eve & The A Group)
Cockney Rebel- What Ruthy Said (2012 Remaster)
Gentle Giant- Funny Ways
Tim Hardin- Misty Roses
Carmen McRae With The Dave Lambert Quartet- Whatever Lola Wants
Bilal- Slyde (Album Version Explicit)
John Holt- Riding For a Fall
Matthew Sweet- Hombre Secreto (Secret Agent Man)
Hubert Sumlin- Sometimes I’m Right
Henry Butler- Blue Moments
RF & Lili De La Mora- Through the Trees
Gram Parsons- Streets Of Baltimore
Bela Fleck- My Home’s Across The Blue Ridge Mountains
Raymond Scott- Ripples
Raymond Scott- Limbo: The Organized Mind
Chris Whitley- Phone Call from Leavenworth
Pharis & Jason Romero- Sad Old Song
Tony Ybarra- La Luna de Amor (The Moon of Love)
The Rolling Stones- Country Honk
Jeff Turmes- Shenandoah
Bob Dylan- The Weight (Remastered)
Incredible Tabla Band- Inna Gadda da Vida
Smokey Robinson & The Miracles- The Tears Of A Clown (Mono Version)
Walter Trout- The Other Side Of The Pillow (feat. Charlie Musselwhite)
Stevie Wonder- Girl Blue
Family- Dark Eyes
Ohio Players- Skin Tight
Jeff Turmes- God Will Punish the Wicked in His Own Sweet Time
Basco- Two Sisters (feat. Jonatan Ahlborn, Mads La Cour, Ulrik Cofoed)
The Dillards- Lemon Chimes
Japan- The Tenant
Japan- Deviation (Live)
Japan- Suburban Berlin
Japan- …Rhodesia
Mavis Staples- I’ll Fly Away From Here
Taj Mahal- Mary Don’t You Weep
Johnny Cash- Solitary Man
Agnes Obel- Dorian
Vassar Clements- Flame Of Love
Sounds in Between- 7 Is the New 4
Arlo Guthrie / Pete Seeger- If I Had A Hammer (The Hammer Song)
Nicola Cruz- Cumbia del Olvido
Love- Bummer In The Summer
Love- The Red Telephone
Ricky Nelson- Summertime (1991 Digital Remaster)
Joe Jackson- Oh Well
Joao Gilberto- The Girl From Ipanema
Irma Thomas- Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand)
Swingle Singers- 3 Part Invention
Afenginn- Valse Melankolika
Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown- Dollar Got The Blues
Jimmy Smith- St. Louis Blues
Teresa Stratas- I’m a Stranger Here Myself
AFENGINN- Iguana Segregatis
Terry Allen- Truckload of Art
Edith Piaf- C’est Toujours La Même Histoire
Creedence Clearwater Revival- Walking On The Water
David Wilcox- Johnny’s Camaro (Live)
David Wilcox- Leave It Like It Is
Stuff Smith & His Onyx Club Boys- You’re A Viper
Guy Clark- Broken Hearted People
The Duhks- Tønderhoning
Rory Hoffman- Polka Dots and Moonbeams
Aynsley Dunbar- Willie the Pimp
Dirty Three- The Restless Waves
Creedence Clearwater Revival- Who’ll Stop The Rain
Ray Flacke- Tahitian Skies
Karine Polwart- Firethief
Tlahoun Gèssèssè- Seqo Menor
Ella Jenkins- Racing With The Sun
Ella Jenkins- Wade in the Water
Adolescents- Amoeba
Adolescents- Kids of the Black Hole
The Staves- Mexico
Ian Matthews- Reno Nevada
The Rolling Stones- You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Godley & Creme- Art School Canteen
Sparks- This Town Ain’t Big Enough For Both Of Us
Josh White- She’s Too Much For Me
Dr. John- Same Old Same Old
Bee Gees- I Started A Joke
Marvin Gaye- Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)
Marvin Gaye- Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)
Solas- Crested Hens
Pieta Brown- How Much of My Love
Bananarama- Really Saying Something (Lost 80s Remix)
The Velvelettes- He Was Really Sayin’ Somethin’ (Single Version)
Wilson Pickett- Land Of 1000 Dances
Major Lance- The Monkey Time
The Showmen- Strange Girl
The Double Six of Paris- A Night in Tunisia
Agnes Obel- The Curse
Chick Corea- Duet Improvisation, Pt.2
Dave Rawlings Machine- Bodysnatchers
The Stingrays- Wind Of Change
Mike Jacoby- Talk a Good Game
Chrysalis- Baby, Let Me Show You Where I Live
Jupiter Apple- A Marchinha Psicótica De Dr. Soup
The Byrds- Get to You
Tamikrest- Tidite Tille
Malena Muyala- La Noche Que Te Fuiste
Four Tops- Medley: Hey Man/We Got To Get You A Woman
ZZ Top- Mexican Blackbird (Remastered Version)
Edith Piaf- Il Riait
Gladys Knight & The Pips- I’ve Got to Use My Imagination
The Peanut Butter Conspiracy- Living Dream
Gene Autry- Dallas County Jail Blues
The Rolling Stones- Memo From Turner
David Bowie- The Bewlay Brothers (2015 Remastered Version)
David Bowie- Eight Line Poem (2015 Remastered Version)
David Bowie- Queen Bitch (2015 Remastered Version)
David Bowie- Song For Bob Dylan (2015 Remastered Version)
David Bowie- Fill Your Heart (2015 Remastered Version)
David Bowie- Quicksand (2015 Remastered Version)
David Bowie- Kooks (2015 Remastered Version)
David Bowie- Oh! You Pretty Things (2015 Remastered Version)
David Bowie- Changes (2015 Remastered Version)
David Bowie- Life On Mars? (2015 Remastered Version)
Guy Clark- Desperados Waiting For A Train
Rachael McShane- From Miss Emma Brawley
Bob Dylan- Bob Dylan’s Dream
Ben E. King- Stand By Me
The Drifters- On Broadway (Remastered Single)
Frank Sinatra- What Is This Thing Called Love (1998 Digital Remaster)
Tom Jones- Soul Of A Man
Lead Belly- When The Boys Were Out On The Western Plains
Lead Belly- Out on the Western Plains (Cow-Cow Yicky Yicky Yea)
Rick Holmstrom- Descano
Bela Fleck- Evening In Transylvania
Caroline Feldmeier- A Fond Lover
Dick Hyman- Honey West Theme
Dick Hyman- The Liquidator
Johnny Rivers- Secret Agent Man [loudish -sounds like the 60s single]
Matt Monro- From Russia with Love
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings- When the Other Foot Drops, Uncle
Jimi Hendrix- Stepping Stone
Floyd Cramer- (I’m Not Your) Steppin’ Stone
Was (Not Was)- Wheel Me Out (Arsenii Dub Me out Mutant Disco Edit)
Ramsey Lewis Trio- Wade In the Water
Joe Liggins- I Just Can’t Help Myself
Marc Benno & Leon Russell- MR. Henri the Clown
Jimmy Donley- I Really Got the Blues
Pere Ubu- Humor Me
Stephen Stills- It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry
Paul Desmond- Skylark
Valaida Snow- Minnie The Moocher
Valaida Snow- Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Emmylou Harris- How High the Moon
The Pozo-Seco Singers- Come a Little Bit Closer
Nazz- Loosen Up
Linda Perhacs- Chimacum Rain
The Skatalites- James Bond Theme
Dick Hyman- The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Dick Hyman- The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
Grateful Dead- Crazy Fingers
Astor Piazzolla- Milonga Del Angel
Yehudi Menuhin- Sonata for Solo Violin, Sz.117 (2003 Remastered Version): IV. Presto
The Chambers Brothers- Time Has Come Today
The Rolling Stones- Time Is On My Side
El Vez- Rock and Roll Suicide – If I Can Dream
Gentle Mystics- Deep Sea Detective
Red Rhodes and The Road Runners- Cryin’
Red Rhodes- Lonesome
Red Rhodes- Almost to Tulsa
Various- LOVE 7 And 7 Is
Thelonious Monk- Body And Soul
The Dillards- She Sang Hymns Out Of Tune
The Dillards- Don’t You Cry
The Dillards- I’ve Just Seen A Face
The Dillards- Hey Boys
The Dillards- Nobody Knows
The Slits- I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Adoniran Barbosa- Envelhecer E Uma Arte
Linda Perhacs- Parallelograms
The Rutles- Lonely-Phobia
Derek & The Dominos- I Looked Away (40th Anniversary Version / 2010 Remastered)
Henry Mancini & His Orchestra- Experiment in Terror (Twist)
The Boswell Sisters- An Evening in Caroline
Music Legends- Perry Mason Theme (8 Bit Version)
Gene McDaniels- Tower Of Strength [MONO Single]
Moby Grape- 8:05
Miles Davis- My Funny Valentine (Live)
Ariel Ramírez- La Huida (Vidala Tucumana)
Ariel Ramírez- Los Reyes Magos (Takirari)
Ariel Ramírez- Los Pastores (Chaya Riojana)
Ariel Ramírez- El Nacimiento (Vidala Catamarqueña)
Ariel Ramírez- La Peregrinación (Huella Pampeana)
Ariel Ramírez- La Anunciación (Chamamé)
Ariel Ramírez- Agnus Dei (Estilo Pampeano)
Ariel Ramírez- Sanctus (Carnaval Cochabambino)
Ariel Ramírez- Credo (Chacarera Trunca)
Ariel Ramírez- Gloria (Carnavalito-Yaravi)
Yves Montand- Les Feuilles Mortes
Charlie Parker- Laura
Ry Cooder- Married Man’s A Fool
Sidney Bechet- Summertime
Rory Gallagher- Jack-Knife Beat
Valerie June- The Hour
Harvey Reid- Jack Tarr the Sailor
The Clovers- Devil or Angel
Chet Baker- I Fall In Love Too Easily (Vocal)
Valerie June- You Can’t Be Told
The Kingston Trio- Greenback Dollar
Mahavishnu Orchestra- Thousand Island Park
The Fleetwoods- He’s The Great Imposter
Moulettes- Lady of the Midnight Sun (feat. Herbie Flowers)
Boubacar Traoré- Adieu Pierrette
Boubacar Traoré- Farafina
Fleetwood Mac- World’s In A Tangle
Hawaiian Orchestra- White Birds
Julius Wechter- Those Were The Days
Slaid Cleaves- Drunken Barber’s Hand
Love- The Good Humor Man He Sees Everything Like This
Doc Watson- Sittin On Top Of The World
Bob Crosby- The Big Noise from Winnetka (Remastered 2016)
Richard Gleason Orchestra- Perry Mason Theme
David Bromberg- Dehlia
Harry Belafonte- Delia
Jerry Goodman- Theme From Perry Mason
The Swingle Singers- Choral De La Cantate Bwv 147 – Jesus Que Ma Joie Demeure
The Rolling Stones- Time Waits For No One (Remastered)
Mickey Baker- Back Room Rock
Mickey Baker- My Baby’s Gone Away
Young Thug- Family Don’t Matter (feat. Millie Go Lightly)
Kurt Elling- Time Of The Season
Kurt Elling- April In Paris
Jim Kweskin- That’s When I’ll Come Back To You (Featuring Maria Muldaur)
The Duhks- Death Came a Knockin’
Dave Van Ronk- Temptation Rag
Dave Van Ronk- Mack The Knife
Snakefinger- Ten Years Ago
Martin Simpson- Delia
The Swingle Singers- Fugue in D Minor [The Art Of The Fugue BWV 1080]
Ray Davies- Waterloo Sunset
Orchestra Baobab- Sibou Odia
Fleetwood Mac- I’ve Lost My Baby
ZZ Top- Blue Jeans Blues (Remastered Version)
Hacienda Brothers- Leavin’ on My Mind
The Jimi Hendrix Experience- Little Wing
Guy Clark- The Last Gunfighter Ballad
Christopher Parkening- Tarrega: Estdio brillante
Christopher Parkening- Tarrega: Capricho arabe
The Four Freshmen- Easy Street
Ane Brun- These Days
Was (Not Was)- (Stuck Inside Of Detroit With) Out Come The Freaks (Again)
Was (Not Was)- Wheel Me Out (Classic 12″ Version)
Faron Young- Keeping Up With The Joneses (Single Version) (feat. Margie Singleton)
Japan- Obscure Alternatives
Medium Medium- Further Than Funk Dream
Red Hot Chili Peppers- Hollywood (Africa) (2003 Digitally Remastered)
Snoop Dogg- This City
Tom Jones- Tower Of Song
Roy Acuff- New Greenback Dollar
Lily & Maria- Morning Glory Morning
John Coltrane- Autumn Serenade
The Louvin Brothers- My Baby’s Gone
B. B. “Blues Boy” King and His Orchestra- Sixteen Tons
Helen Kane- That’s My Weakness Now
Gene McDaniels- A Hundred Pounds Of Clay (1995 Digital Remaster)
Gene McDaniels- Tower Of Strength (1995 – Remaster)
Gene McDaniels- Point Of No Return (1995 Digital Remaster)
Gene McDaniels- Another Tear Falls (1995 Digital Remaster)
Pauline Oliveros- Bye Bye Butterfly
The Secret Sisters- Iuka
Elizabeth Barraclough- Who Do You Think’s The Fool
The Goldcoast Singers- Plastic Jesus
John Renbourn- National Seven
Crooked Still- Wading Deep Waters
The Lovin’ Spoonful- Blues In The Bottle
Kruder.Dorfmeister- High Noon
Statik Sound System- Revolutionary Pilot
Frazey Ford- You Got Religion
The Abyssinians- Satta Massagana
Creedence Clearwater Revival- I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Ray Koerner & Glover- Linin’ Track
Hoyt Axton- Greenback Dollar
Bert Jansch- Smokey River
Various- THE STRAWBERRY ALARM CLOCK Incense And Peppermints
The Paul Butterfield Blues Band- East-West
Dick Hyman- A Man Alone
Bassekou Kouyate + Ngoni ba- Madou
Sparks- Under The Table With Her
Sparks- How Are You Getting Home ?
The Unthanks- Flutter
Kurt Elling- Moonlight Serenade
AfroCubism- Para los Pinares se va Montoro
Trio Mandili- Qrizantemebi
Lonnie Mack- Why
Macy Gray- Do Something
Elvis Costello- Quiet About It
Lyle Lovett- Brand New Tennessee Waltz
Jill Scott- Le BOOM Vent Suite
AfroCubism- Mariama
Lizz Wright- Presence Of The Lord
Red Norvo- In a Mist
Little Feat- Easy To Slip
Little Feat- Tripe Face Boogie
Little Feat- Sailin’ Shoes
Can- Spoon (Sonic Youth Mix)
Valerie June- Shakedown
Iron & Wine- Low Light Buddy of Mine
Elftones & Rhiannon Giddens- Henry Martin
Etta James- A Sunday Kind Of Love (Single Version)
Puddles Pity Party- Another Tear Falls
Catherine Russell- Spoonful
Joe Louis Walker- Heart of Stone
Russia- Who Do You Think You Are?
The Beatles- I’m Only Sleeping (Remastered)
The Beatles- For No One (Remastered)
The Beatles- Wait (Remastered)
The Beatles- Tomorrow Never Knows (Remastered)
The Beatles- Girl (Remastered)
Harry Belafonte- Sylvie
Harry Belafonte- Jump Down, Spin Around
Harry Belafonte- Unchained Melody
Harry Belafonte- In That Great Gettin’ Up Mornin’
Harry Belafonte- Scarlet Ribbons (For Her Hair)
Harry Belafonte- Noah
Harry Belafonte- Take My Mother Home
Harry Belafonte- Matilda
Harry Belafonte- Suzanne (Every Night When the Sun Goes Down)
Harry Belafonte- Troubles
Harry Belafonte- Water Boy
Donovan- Young Girl Blues
Black Randy And The Metrosquad- I Slept in an Arcade
Richard & Mimi Fariña- Raven Girl
Ollabelle- You’re Gonna Miss Me
Gene Autry- At Mail Call Today (78rpm Version)
Gene Autry- Back In The Saddle Again
Gene Autry- Red River Valley
Mac Davis- You’re Riding For A Fall
Kruder & Dorfmeister- Count Basic / Gotta Jazz (Richard Dorfmeister Remix)
Dave Van Ronk- Come Back Baby
The Jimi Hendrix Experience- Spanish Castle Magic
The Jimi Hendrix Experience- Up From The Skies
Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox- Royals
Anuna- Faigh an Gleas
The Paragons- Blue Velvet
Dave Van Ronk- One Meatball
Mark Knopfler- Tahitian Skies
The Move- No Time
Bill Chambers- Gimme One More Chance
Buffalo Springfield- A Child’s Claim To Fame
Jefferson Airplane- Wooden Ships
The Soul Stirrers- Wade In The Water
Jacques Burtin- Le coeur ébloui (Nouveaux Chants syldaves): IV. Elégie
The Residents- Hitler Was A Vegetarian
Skip James- Jack of Diamonds
Vulfpeck- Daddy, He Got a Tesla
Robert Johnson- Hell Hound On My Trail
Ultravox!- The Man Who Dies Every Day (Remix)
Flash And The Pan- Walking In the Rain
Janelle Monáe- Tightrope (Feat. Big Boi)
Tanika Charles- Think of You
Rhiannon Giddens- Mouth Music
Robin Trower- Bridge of Sighs (2007 Remaster)
Tank and The Bangas- Eggs over Easy
Kasey Chambers- No One Hurts Up Here
Pokey LaFarge- Underground
Modest Mouse- Little Motel
Gene Chandler- Duke of Earl
Frank Sinatra- I’m A Fool To Want You (1999 Digital Remaster)
Frank Sinatra- Autumn Leaves (1999 Digital Remaster)
H.P. Lovecraft- That’s The Bag I’m In
H.P. Lovecraft- Wayfaring Stranger
Valerie June- On My Way / Somebody To Love (Acoustic Version)
Valerie June- Man Done Wrong
Donald Pippin;Michael Goodman;Georgia Brown;Bruce Prochnik;Alice Playten;Clive Revill- I’d Do Anything (From “Oliver!”) (2003 Remastered)
David Bowie- Andy Warhol (2015 Remastered Version)
Ian & Sylvia- Lovin’ Sound
TK Major- Always Has Always Escaped Me
Gabor Szabo- Walk On By
Monitor- I Saw Dead Jim’s Shade
Abigail Washburn- Eve Stole The Apple
Suicide- Ghost Rider
James Chance and The Contortions- Contort Yourself
Gene Pitney- Town Without Pity
Rory Gallagher- Overnight Bag
The Rolling Stones- Love In Vain
Charlie Jordon- Dollar Bill Blues
The Oaks Family- Wake Up You Drowsy Sleeper
Thin Lizzy- The Boys Are Back In Town
Tommy Tutone- Cheap Date
Stacey Kent- Ces petits riens
Johnny Mathis- My Funny Valentine
The Duhks- Magalenha
Linda Ronstadt- My Old Flame
Linda Ronstadt- Sophisticated Lady
Linda Ronstadt- Lush Life
Iggy Pop- I’m Bored
Linda Ronstadt- Skylark
Mulatu Astatke- Gubelye
Redbird- Lullaby 101
Dick Hyman- The Man from U.N.C.L.E
John Prine- Paradise
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel- (Love) Compared with You (1997 Remaster)
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel- G.I. Valentine (1997 Remaster)
Elvis Costello & The Attractions- (I Don’t Want To Go To) Chelsea
The Duhks- Je Pense A Toi
Ian & Sylvia- Awake Ye Drowsy Sleepers
Béla Fleck- Pretty Polly
Greg Brown- I Don’t Know Anybody In This Town
Danny Amis & Twin Tones- Do Not Enter
The Marcels- Blue Moon
The Shirelles- Dedicated To The One I Love
The Coasters- Charlie Brown
Waipod Phetsuphan- Ding Dong
Pokey LaFarge- Something In The Water
Pokey LaFarge- Goodbye, Barcelona
David Taylor- A Kis Csava (The Little Predicament): A Kis Csava (The Little Predicament): I. Fanfare in the Manner of Mussorgsky, Hymn in the Manner of Stravinsky
Luther Allison- You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Julie London- I Gotta Right To Sing The Blues (2002 – Remastered)
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel- I Believe Love’s a Prima Donna (1997 Remaster)
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel- Too Much Tenderness (1997 Remaster)
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel- Finally a Card Game (1997 Remaster)
Daniel Caine Orchestra- The Man From UNCLE
The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra- The Prisoner
The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra- The Saint
The Alley Cats- Just an Alley Cat
The Alley Cats- When the World Was Old
The Alley Cats- Night of the Living Dead
The Alley Cats- Waiting for the Buzz
The Alley Cats- Breath of a Barfly
The Alley Cats- Bitter Fruit
The Alley Cats- Today
The Alley Cats- It Only Hurts the First Time
The Alley Cats- Nightmare City
Clifford Brown- Delilah
Mose Allison- Ever Since The World Ended
The Unthanks- Magpie
Chris Farlowe- Handbags And Gladrags – Original (Mono)
Dick Hyman- Ode to Billy Joe
Rory Gallagher- A Million Miles Away [LQ]
Rory Gallagher- Livin’ Like A Trucker
Rory Gallagher- They Don’t Make Them Like You Anymore
Rory Gallagher- 20:20 Vision
Rory Gallagher- Calling Card
Danny Amis & Twin Tones- Perry Mason Theme
Jimmy Donley- Stop the Twistin’
Johnny Cash- Wayfaring Stranger
Betty Carter- When I Fall In Love
Jesse Belvin- My Satellite
Christopher Parkening- Anon., arr. Jack Marshall: Catalonian Song
Christopher Parkening- Ponce: Four Preludes
10cc- I’m Not In Love
Mavis Staples- Take Us Back
The Four Freshmen- The Last Time I Saw Paris
Crooked Still- Pharaoh
Habib Koité- Send Us Brighter Days
Mount Moriah- Hail, Lightning
Shovels & Rope- Bridge on Fire
Shovels & Rope- Stono River Blues
The Osborne Brothers- Old Flames Can’t Hold A Candle To You
Rhiannon Giddens- Black Is the Color
Amy Winehouse- Back To Black
Fleetwood Mac- Jigsaw Puzzle Blues
Fleetwood Mac- Black Magic Woman
Andrew Sisters- One Meat Ball
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings- 100 Days, 100 Nights
Faron Young- Unmitigated Gall (Single Version)
Skip James- Jack Of Diamonds
Pernice Brothers- Chicken Wire
Pernice Brothers- Monkey Suit
Pernice Brothers- Overcome By Happiness
The Four Freshmen- Love
The Four Freshmen- You Stepped Out of a Dream
I ROY- Never Go Wrong
Frank Sinatra- Mood Indigo (1998 Digital Remaster)
Frank Sinatra- In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning (1998 Digital Remaster)
Frank Sinatra- Deep In A Dream (1998 Digital Remaster)
Linda Ronstadt- Rock Me On The Water
Leo Kottke- Ojo
Argent- Liar
Johnny Cash- Big River
Ken Nordine- Cerise
Leon Russell- Mr. Henri The Clown (Digitally Remastered ’95)
Leon Russell- Death Of The Flowers (Digitally Remastered ’95)
Adolfo Echeverría Y Su Orquesta- Noches De Cumbia
Annie Ross- Twisted
Leonard Cohen- Sisters of Mercy
Leonard Cohen- The Stranger Song
Leonard Cohen- Suzanne
Leonard Cohen- Hey, That’s No Way to Say Goodbye
Leonard Cohen- So Long, Marianne
Leonard Cohen- Bird on the Wire
Leonard Cohen- Hallelujah
Leonard Cohen- Who By Fire
Robert Wyatt- Raining In My Heart
Robert Wyatt- Lullaloop
The Honey Dewdrops- No More Trouble
Roseanne Cash- Biloxi
Chris Whitley- Poison Girl
Moonsville Collective- Gut Bucket
Susan’s Room- Perry Mason
Power Marching Band- Perry Mason
Johnny Cash- Hurt
Mundell Lowe- Speak Low
Mundell Lowe- Far From Vanilla
Argent- Stepping Stone
David Starobin- Trio: Molto vivo
David Starobin- Trio: Lento
David Starobin- Trio: Allegretto
Dr. John- Danse Kalinda Ba Doom
Trio De Hawaii- Melodias Populares Mexicana
The Boswell Sisters- When The Little Red Roses Get The Blues For You
Thelonious Monk- Crepuscule With Nellie
Lambert, Hendricks & Ross- Charleston Alley
10cc- The Wall Street Shuffle
Bob Dylan- Ballad of a Thin Man
First Be- Perry Mason
M’Lumbo- Perry Mason
Dave Van Ronk- That Song About The Midway
Melody Gardot- Goodbye
Alison Krauss- Rich Woman
Alison Krauss- Through the Morning, Through the Night
Alison Krauss- Your Long Journey
Alison Krauss- Trampled Rose
Al Green- The Letter
Café Tacvba- Esa noche
Mary Wells- My World Is Empty Without You Babe
Those Darn Accordions- Perry Mason Theme [20 sec dead air at end]
Hurray for the Riff Raff- I’m so Lonesome I Could Cry
Joni Mitchell- Chelsea Morning
Lucinda Williams- People Talkin’
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five- The Message (feat. Melle Mel & Duke Bootee)
The Pearlettes- Duchess of Earl
Genesis- More Fool Me
Fleetwood Mac- Homework
Don Sebesky- Firebird/Birds Of Fire
Oscar Alemán- Dulce Georgia Brown
Hurray for the Riff Raff- People Talkin’
Man Man- Van Helsing Boombox
Stormy Gayle- Flipsville
Rokia Traoré- Aimer
Frank Sinatra- It Was A Very Good Year
Frank Sinatra- September Song
The Platters- Twilight Time
Marvin Gaye- Hitch Hike
Ollabelle- Get Back Temptation
Dick Hyman- Theme from The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
David McCallum- My World Is Empty Without You (2001 Digital Remaster)
Nina Simone- Don’t Smoke in Bed
The Persuasions- All Along the Watchtower
Frank Zappa- Anyway The Wind Blows
The Spinners- It’s A Shame
Spinners- I’ll Be Around
Guy Clark- All She Wants Is You
Various- THE HOMBRES Let It Out (Let It All Hang Out)
Various- THE RATIONALS I Need You
Conway Twitty- Double Talk Baby
Mark Knopfler- Tears
Carolina Chocolate Drops- Country Girl
Emiliana Torrini- Ha Ha
Gentle Mystics- Midnight 3 Days Ago
The Blues Magoos- Gotta Get Away
The Blues Magoos- (We Ain’t Got) Nothin’ Yet
The Blues Magoos- Love Seems Doomed
Ricky Nelson- Summertime
Linda Perhacs- Hey, Who Really Cares
Rokia Traoré- Ô Niélé
Bob Marley & The Wailers- No Woman No Cry
Lianne La Havas- Lost & Found
Dave Van Ronk- Willie the Weeper
Dave Van Ronk- Dink’s Song
Dave Van Ronk- River Come Down
Dave Van Ronk- Bed Bug Blues
Dave Van Ronk- Tell Old Bill
Sileas- Aint No Sunshine/The Flawless Juggler
O’Death- Alamar
The Honeydrippers- Sea Of Love (2006 Remastered Version)
Fred Neil- The Dolphins
Buzzcocks- Harmony in My Head
Buzzcocks- Everybody’s Happy Nowadays
Buzzcocks- Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve?)
Buzzcocks- Something’s Gone Wrong Again
Ry Cooder- Mambo sinuendo
Big Black- The Model
Erstes Wiener Heimorgelorchester- Das Modell
Malachi Henry and the Lights- Hobo’s Lament
Mills Brothers- Smoke Rings
Oscar Alemán- Caminos Cruzados
Cheikh Lo- Sant Maam
Ariel Ramírez- Ramírez: Kyrie (Vidala-Baguala)
John McLaughlin- Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
Martin Taylor- Besame Mucho
Dr. Horse- Jack That Cat Was Clean
Al “Jazzbo” Collins- Jack and the Beanstalk
Al “Jazzbo” Collins- Little Hood Riding Red
Al “Jazzbo” Collins- Little Red Riding Hood
The Move- It Wasn’t My Idea to Dance
Sparks- Propaganda
The Paul Butterfield Blues Band- I Got A Mind To Give Up Living
The Wailers- Concrete Jungle
Ollabelle- I Am Waiting
Leon Russell- Manhattan Island Serenade
Leon Russell- This Masquerade
Mink DeVille- Venus Of Avenue D
Leon Russell- Tight Rope
Bobby Broom- Ruby, My Dear
Johnny Hartman- Moonlight In Vermont
The Drifters- Up On The Roof
Bobbie Gentry- Ode To Billie Joe
Bobbie Gentry- Niki Hoeky
Julie London- Cry Me a River
Fela Kuti And Afrika 70- Zombie
Loretta Lynn- I’m a Honky Tonk Girl
Slim Whitman- Indian Love Call
The Prisonaires- Just Walkin’ in the Rain
Harry Belafonte- Merci bon Dieu
The Rutles- Cheese And Onions
The Rutles- Piggy In The Middle
The Bonzo Dog Band- Canyons Of Your Mind (2007 Digital Remaster)
The Bonzo Dog Band- Don’t Get Me Wrong (2007 Digital Remaster)
The Five Keys- Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
Tennessee Ernie Ford- Sixteen Tons
Amy Irving- Why Don’t You Do Right?
Mose Allison- Do Nothin’ Till You Hear From Me
The Imagined Village- Winter Singing
The Boswell Sisters- Why Don’t You Practice What You Preach (feat. Jimmy Dorsey, Tommy Dorsey, Bunny Berigan & Glenn Miller)
The Zombies- Time of the Season
Little Feat- Truck Stop Girl
Little Feat- Willin’
Billy Strange- Thunderball
Ethel Waters, Victor Young Orchestra- Come Up and See Me Sometime “Take a Chance”
Faust- The Sad Skinhead (2006 Digital Remaster)
Duke Ellington- In A Sentimental Mood
Thelonious Monk- Ruby, My Dear (with John Coltrane)
Television- Elevation
Television- Torn Curtain
Television- Prove It
Malena Muyala- Pasos
Leonard Cohen- Master Song
Bob Dylan- Yazoo Street Scandal
Brian Wilson- Heroes and Villains
The Undisputed Truth- Smiling Faces Sometimes
John Renbourn- Transfusion
Guy Clark- The Guitar
The Incredible String Band- Job’s Tears
Moulettes- Elegy (feat. The Unthanks)
Various- Nazz / Open My Eyes (mono)
The Boswell Sisters- Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
The Imagined Village- Bending The Dark
Andy Bey- A Taste Of Honey
Mickey Baker- Lullaby Of The Leaves
Various- Thirteen Floor Elevators / You’re Gonna Miss Me (mono)
Guthrie Trapp- Brews Blues
Guthrie Trapp- Patricia
The Prisonaires- Just Walkin’ In The Rain – Original
Justin DiFebbo- Float Down River
Conway Twitty- Long Black Train
The Cure- Jumping Someone Else’s Train
Anna & Elizabeth- Little Black Train
The Rolling Stones- You Got The Silver
Tamikrest- Outamachek
Madjo- Insomnia
Los Trevi- Flores Negras
Titus Turner- Sportin’ Tom
Led Zeppelin- Good Times Bad Times
Adoniran Barbosa- Bom Dia Tristeza
Love- Orange Skies
Various- THE SEEDS Can’t Seem To Make You Mine
Love- Seven and Seven Is
Love- Bummer In The Summer (2015 Remastered Version)
Judy Collins- Pirate Jenny
Judy Collins- Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues
The Four Freshmen- I Remember You
Edith Piaf- Le Brun Et Le Blond
Lefty Frizzell- Through the Eyes of a Fool
Adoniran Barbosa- Tiro Ao Álvaro (feat. Elis Regina)
Bobby Broom- The Tennessee Waltz
Macy Gray- I Try
Django Reinhardt- Blue Drag
Various- THE BEAU BRUMMELS Laugh, Laugh
The Motels- Total Control
Corinne Bailey Rae- Is This Love
Corinne Bailey Rae- Trouble Sleeping
Corinne Bailey Rae- I’d Like To
Frank Sinatra- I Cover The Waterfront (1999 Digital Remaster)
The Three Jacks- Spanish Shawl
Henry Red Allen- (Trouble Ends) Out Where the Blues Begins
Henry Red Allen- Sitting On the Moon
Henry Red Allen- Midnight Blue
Lord Buckley- To Swing or Not to Swing
Harry Belafonte- The Drummer and the Cook
The Youngbloods- Darkness, Darkness
Mavis Staples- Wade In The Water
The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra- Perry Mason
John James- You and I Accross the Water
The Ink Spots- That Cat Is High
Moulettes- Circle Song
Blodwyn Pig- How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Pain And Live
Toumani Diabaté- Cantelowes
The Four Freshmen- Over the Rainbow
The Four Freshmen- Poinciana (Song of the Tree)
Andrew Bird- Near Death Experience Experience
Robert Palmer- Spanish Moon
Rokia Traore- Mariama
House of Freaks- A Good Man
Mahmoud Ahmed- Tezeta
Hacienda Brothers- Turn To Grey
David Richey- Ready For the Times to Get Better
Crooked Still- Florence
David Richey- Carolina Mountain Home
David Richey- 21 Years
David Richey- Walkin’ Down the Line
Trio Mandili- Apareka
Trio Mandili- Qrizantemebi (The chrysanthemums)
Sons Of The Pioneers- Blue Prairie (Single Version)
Sons Of The Pioneers- Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Single Version)
Dave Rawlings Machine- Pilgrim (You Can’t Go Home)
Dave Rawlings Machine- The Weekend
Anna & Elizabeth- Grace of God
Gillian Welch- Black Star
Anna & Elizabeth- Don’t Want to Die in the Storm
Brian Wilson- It Ain’t Necessarily So
Slainte- Star of the County Down
Pernice Brothers- Clear Spot
Linda Ronstadt- Los Laureles (The Laurels)
Värttinä- Aijö
Värttinä- Sanat
Värttinä- Laiska
Tesfa-maryam Kidane- Heywete
Alèmayehu Eshété- Yèmaynèga lélit
Alèmayehu Eshété- Yètentu feqratchen
The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band- Shifting Sands
The Ink Spots- Java Jive
Linda Perhacs- Call Of The River
The Beatles- Dear Prudence (Remastered)
The Beatles- Martha My Dear (Remastered)
The Beatles- Julia (Remastered)
The Beatles- Blue Jay Way (Remastered)
The Beatles- Your Mother Should Know (Remastered)
The Beatles- Savoy Truffle (Remastered)
Moulettes- Some Who You Love
Mott The Hoople- Roll Away the Stone
Al Green- I Can’t Get Next To You
Ry Cooder- Available Space
TK Major- This Song’s About My Baby
The Beatles- Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)
Danny O’Keefe- Good Time Charlie’s Got The Blues
Andy Pratt- Little Bitty Soul
Neil Young- Cortez the Killer
David McCallum- Five O’clock World (2001 Digital Remaster)
David McCallum- A Taste Of Honey (2001 Digital Remaster)
Modest Mouse- The Good Times Are Killing Me
Sol Hoopii- Lady Be Good
Tom Jones- Bad As Me
Anna & Elizabeth- Poor Pilgrim of Sorrow
Dave Van Ronk- Song Of The Wandering Aengus
Blood, Sweat & Tears- I Can’t Quit Her
Blood, Sweat & Tears- I Love You More Than You’ll Ever Know
Blood, Sweat & Tears- House in the Country
Tamikrest- Adounia tabarat
James Taylor- The Blues Is Just A Bad Dream (2010 – Remaster)
James Taylor- Circle ‘Round The Sun (2010 – Remaster)
James Taylor- Night Owl (2010 – Remaster)
James Taylor- Rainy Day Man (2010 – Remaster)
James Taylor- Brighten Your Night With My Day (2010 – Remaster)
James Taylor- Carolina In My Mind (2010 – Remaster)
James Taylor- Something In The Way She Moves (2010 – Remaster)
James Taylor- Taking It In (2010 – Remaster)
James Taylor- Knockin’ Round The Zoo (2010 – Remaster)
James Taylor- Don’t Talk Now (2010 – Remaster)
James Taylor- Something’s Wrong (2010 – Remaster)
James Taylor- Sunshine Sunshine (2010 – Remaster)
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band- Zig Zag Wanderer
Nat King Cole- The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You)
The Four Freshmen- Speak Low
The Beatles- When I’m Sixty Four (Remastered)
The Beatles- Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! (Remastered)
Jefferson Airplane- Good Shepherd (Remastered 2004)
Melody Gardot- Baby I’m A Fool
Серебряная свадьба- В гараже у дяди Вити
Scotty Anderson- Theme from “Perry Mason”
Banda de los Muertos- Te Quiero Tanto
The Boswell Sisters- Trav’lin’ All Alone
John James- Silver Swan
John James- Tears
Cristina- Things Fall Apart
Shovels & Rope- Carnival
Shovels & Rope- O’ be Joyful
Dave Alvin- Walk Right In
Pacho Galan Y Su Orquesta- Cumbia Sincelejana
Tears For Fears- Mad World
The Pierces- You’ll Be Mine
The Pierces- Kissing You Goodbye
The Pierces- Drag You Down
Shook Twins- Broken Wing
The Mamas & The Papas- I Saw Her Again (Mono Version)
Jascha Heifetz- Gershwin: A Woman Is a Sometime thing – A Woman Is a Sometime thing
Jascha Heifetz- Gershwin: It Ain’t Necessarily So – It Ain’t Necessarily So
Modest Mouse- March Into the Sea
Pilgrim Speakeasy- Carbon Vs Silicon
Michael Nesmith- Grand Ennui
Rajery- Andeha Hifamela
Novalima- Macaco (Jeremy Sole Remix)
Cristina- Is That All There Is? (Long Version)
Nat King Cole Trio- Laugh! Cool Clown (1991 Digital Remaster)
Moonsville Collective- Lonsesome Valley
Amy Winehouse- Tears Dry
Amy Winehouse- A Song For You
Los Trevi- Mi Devocion
The Persuasions- Drip Drop
RF & Lili De La Mora- Kings
John Schneider- Plaint & Variations On Song of Palestine: I. Plaint
Alasdair Fraser- La Sansonette
Jimmie Rodgers- My Little Lady
The Boswell Sisters- Wha’dja Do to Me
The Boswell Sisters- Was That the Human Thing to Do (#3)
Ringo Starr- It Don’t Come Easy
The Last Poets- Mean Machine – Chant
James Yorkston- Tortoise Regrets Hare
Bobby Broom- My Shining Hour
Dixie Cups- Iko Iko (Acapella Version)
Dixie Cups- People Say (Alternate Version)
Dixie Cups- Wrong Direction
Dixie Cups- Little Bell
Dixie Cups- You Should Have Seen The Way He Looked At Me
Dixie Cups- No True Love
Dixie Cups- All Grown Up
Dixie Cups- Ain’T That Nice
Dixie Cups- Gee Baby Gee
Dixie Cups- Another Boy Like Mine
Dixie Cups- I’m Gonna Get You Yet
Dixie Cups- People Say
The Blind Boys Of Alabama- Way Down in the Hole
Pink Floyd- Fat Old Sun (2011 Remastered Version)
Aleman, Oscar- Besame mucho
Dick Hyman- Theme from Honey West
The Swingle Singers- Adagio: Sonata No.3 In E BWV 1016
Lou Doillon- One Day After Another
Ane Brun- One
Iron Butterfly- Iron Butterfly Theme
Iron Butterfly- In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida
Show Of Hands- First They Take Manhattan
Chet Baker- I’ve Grown Accustomed To Her Face
The Flying Lizards- Summertime Blues
Jean-Luc Ponty- America Drinks And Goes Home
Trio Mandili- Rachuli
Crazy Horse- Carolay
Hirth Martinez- Comin’ Round The Moon
Dave Alvin- Evening Blues
Boubacar Traoré- Santa Mariya
Valaida Snow- Caravan
Herb Ellis- Love For Sale (Instrumental)
The Rolling Stones- Fool To Cry (Remastered)
Jim Gailloreto’s Jazz String Quintet- Honeysuckle Rose
Sons Of The Pioneers- Cool Water (Single Version)
Amy Winehouse- You Know I’m No Good
John Renbourn- The Moon Shines Bright
The Four Freshmen- Angel Eyes
The Four Freshmen- It’s a Blue World
Novalima- Tumbala
Justin DiFebbo- Blue Melody
Roadside Graves- Jail
Slim Whitman- There’s A Rainbow In Every Teardrop
Ariana Daner- Desert Dreams (Remix)
Rajery- Toufoula
The Cascades- Rhythm Of The Rain
Mike Jacoby- Try
Bob Dylan- One Too Many Mornings
Frank Sinatra- Let’s Face The Music And Dance
Moulettes- The Song You Sing
Al Bruno- New Mountain Dew
Jimmy Smith- Basin Street Blues
The Fur Ones- Cholo Walk
Hackensaw Boys- Kiss You Down There
The Boswell Sisters- We’ve Got to Put That Sun Back in the Sky
Prince Diabate- New Life
Laura Veirs- The Cloud Room
Cilla Black- Across the Universe
Cilla Black- Anyone Who Had A Heart
Man Man- Man Who Make You Sick
The Pierces- Secret
Prince Diabate- Fofana Kunda
Wire- Three Girl Rhumba (2006 Digital Remaster)
Fleetwood Mac- Trying So Hard To Forget
Was (Not Was)- Wheel Me Out (Long Version)
Was (Not Was)- Wheel Me Out
Nat King Cole Trio- What Is This Thing Called Love?
Crazy Horse- I’ll Get By
Crazy Horse- Nobody
Crazy Horse- Dirty, Dirty
Crazy Horse- I Don’t Want To Talk About It
Crazy Horse- Look At All The Things
Crazy Horse- Beggars Day
Crazy Horse- Dance, Dance, Dance
Crazy Horse- Gone Dead Train
Richard Thompson- Guitar Heroes
Richard Thompson- Beatnik Walking
Deaf School- Working Girls
Bassekou Kouyate + Ngoni ba- Wagadou
Blimp- Monsters
Blimp- Tiny Tiny
The Everybodyfields- Don’t Tern Around
Fleetwood Mac- Drifting
Fleetwood Mac- Cold Black Night
Fleetwood Mac- The World Keep On Turning
Blodwyn Pig- Stormy Monday
Andrew Sisters- Rum and Coca Cola [ORIGINAL – NO REVERB]
Gray Martin- Evangeline
Man Man- I, Manface
Man Man- White Rice, Brown Heart
Cassandra Wilson- Red River Valley
The Rolling Stones- She Smiled Sweetly
Pentangle- Lord Franklin
Moulettes- Songbird
Moby Grape- Hey Grandma
Bearcoon- Waking Eyes
The Platters- (You’ve Got) The Magic Touch (Single Version) STEREO?!??!
The Platters- Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (Single Version)
Cindy Cashdollar- Sliding Home
Malachi Henry and the Lights- The Rich Man’s Warning
Nat King Cole Trio- I Wake Up Screaming Dreaming Of You
Leonard Bernstein- West Side Story (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack): The Rumble
Mills Brothers- Till Then
Boubacar Traoré- Mariama Kaba
H.P. Lovecraft- Electrallentando
Elvis Costello – Too Far Gone
The Everybodyfields- Everything Is Okay
Café Tacvba- Alarmala de tos
Moulettes feat. Liz Green- Blood And Thunder
Bassekou Kouyate + Ngoni ba- Ne Me Fatigue Pas
Bassekou Kouyate + Ngoni ba- Sinaly
Waylon Jennings- Only Daddy That’ll Walk the Line
Joni Mitchell- Willy
The Double Six of Paris- Naima
Rokia Traoré- Wanita
Rokia Traoré- Yaafa n’ma
Burning Spear- People Get Ready
The Staves- Wisely & Slow
The Staves- Dead & Born & Grown
Andy Pratt- Avenging Annie
Andy Pratt- Call up That Old Friend
Led Zeppelin- Going To California
Fred Astaire- They Can’t Take That Away From Me
The Staves- Pay Us No Mind
The Dillards- The Biggest Whatever
Rudolf Serkin;George Szell;The Cleveland Orchestra- Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 83: I. Allegro non troppo
Los Trevi- Cancion Del Alma
Los Trevi- Sorpresa
Easy Star All-Stars- When I’m Sixty-Four (feat. Sugar Minott)
Moulettes- Devil Of Mine (St Margaret’s
The Five Keys- These Foolish Things (Remind Me Of You)
Andy Bey- Solitude
Andy Bey- Everybody Loves My Baby
The Five Keys- Rocking And Crying Blues
The Milk Carton Kids- Secrets Of The Stars
Ian & Sylvia- Summer Wages (Alternate take)
Otra- Obatala
Bassekou Kouyate + Ngoni ba- Jama ko
AfroCubism- Dakan
Boubacar Traore- Mbalimaou
Andrew Bird- Tin Foiled
Los Trevi- Y Hablame
Hannah Moulette- Pampelmüsse & The Conjuror’s Stool
The Unthanks- Last
The Ditty Bops- Bye Bye Love
Abigail Washburn & The Sparrow Quartet- Strange Things
Hufsteter, Steven- Flor de Mal (for the film Once Upon a Time in Mexico)
Weill, Kurt- Surabaya-Johnny
Ray Conniff & His Orchestra- Park Avenue Beat
Richard & Linda Thompson- Dimming of the Day/Dargai
Ian & Sylvia- Rocks And Gravel
Ian & Sylvia- Old Blue
Dave Van Ronk- Zen Korans Gonna Rise Again
Charlotte Glasson- Lullaby
Cassandra Wilson- Tupelo Honey/Angel
Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians- Madonna Of The Wasps
Slim Whitman- Cool Water
Grateful Dead- New New Minglewood Blues (Full length Version)
Grateful Dead- Cream Puff War (Full Length Version)
Grateful Dead- Morning Dew (Full Length Version)
Grateful Dead- Sitting On Top Of The World (Full Length Version)
Grateful Dead- Cold Rain And Snow
Grateful Dead- Good Morning Little School Girl (Full-Length Version)
Grateful Dead- Beat It On Down The Line (Remastered LP Version)
Grateful Dead- The Golden Road (To Unlimited Devotion) (Remastered Version)
Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys- Sittin’ On Top Of The World
Althea And Donna- Uptown Top Ranking
John Renbourn- The Princess And The Puddings
Richard & Mimi Fariña- Pack Up Your Sorrows
Crack The Sky- Invaders From Mars
Red Norvo- Dance of the Octopus
Nneka- Believe System
Nneka- Babylon
Malena Muyala- Pedacito De Cielo
The Boswell Sisters- Making Faces At The Man In The Moon
The Boswell Sisters- Was That The Human Thing To Do
The Boswell Sisters- Put That Sun Back In The Sky
King’s Singers- Greensleeves
Yehudi Menuhin- Prabhati (based on Raga Gunkali) (1999 Digital Remaster)
Ella Fitzgerald- My Funny Valentine
Jacques Brel- Ne Me Quite Pas
Alabama 3- Love Will Tear Us Apart
Weaver & Beasley- St. Louis Blues
Emily Wells- Passenger
Stone Poneys- Bicycle Song (Soon Now)
The Wolverine Orchestra- Royal Garden Blues
Red Nichols and His Orchestra- Harlem Twist
Nils Lofgren- Keith Don’t Go (Ode To The Glimmer Twin)
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel- (Love) Compared with You
Amy Winehouse- Love Is A Losing Game (Original Demo)
Shook Twins- Daemons
Malena Muyala- Miente
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band- Meat
Anthony Newley- What Kind Of Fool Am I?
Charlotte Glasson- Sweet Dreams (For Cosmo)
Agnes Obel- Philharmonics
The Ditty Bops- Ooh La La
Karl Denver- Wimoweh
Malouma- Chtib
Malouma- Kentawiyate
The Everybodyfields- Lonely Anywhere
AfroCubism- Djelimady Rumba
Nina Simone- Don’t Explain
The Animals- Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood
Café Tacvba- Esa noche (unplugged)
Julie London- Sunday Blues (2002 – Remastered)
Slim Whitman- Secret Love
Bert Jansch- Daybreak (2009 Digital Remaster)
Ollabelle- Before This Time
Stevie Wonder- Don’t You Worry ‘Bout A Thing
Stevie Wonder- Too High
Stevie Wonder- Living For The City
Stevie Wonder- Superstition
Stevie Wonder- Maybe Your Baby
Gabby Pahinui- Farewell Medley
Josh White- Cooton-Eyed Joe – One Meatball
Richard & Mimi Fariña- Morgan The Pirate
the everybodyfields- White Envelopes
Los Trevi- Los Mirlos
Linda Ronstadt- Louise
Linda Ronstadt- Lovesick Blues
Linda Ronstadt- He Darked the Sun
Linda Ronstadt- Long Long Time
The Dillards- Bending The Strings
The Dillards- Single Saddle
The Dillards- Reason To Believe
The Dillards- Little Pete
The Dillards- Listen To The Sound
The Sunshine Company- A Year of Jaine Time
The Sunshine Company- Willy Jean
The Sunshine Company- Four in the Morning
The Sunshine Company- I Need You
The Sunshine Company- Rain
King Nawahi’S Hawaiians- Hawaiian Capers
Kat Edmonson- I Just Wasn’t Made for These Times
the everybodyfields- Magazines
Kasey Chambers- One More Year
The Unthanks- Flowers Of The Town
Slim Whitman- Love Song Of The Waterfall
Rajery- Tsy Mandry Ny Tanana
Paul McCartney & Wings- Mrs Vandebilt (2010 Digital Remaster)
Sol K. Bright’s Hollywaiians- La Rosita
AfroCubism- Al Vaiven de Mi Carreta
Fleetwood Mac- Got a Mind to Give Up Living / All Over Again
Ollabelle- Brokedown Palace
Steve Gillette- Springtime Meadows
Hurray for the Riff Raff- Cuckoo
Cherish The Ladies- Keg Of Brandy
The Selecter- On My Radio
Lizz Wright- When I Fall
Andy Pratt- All the King’s Weight
Paul McCartney- Man We Was Lonely (2011 Remaster)
Robert Plant And The Strange Sensation- All The Kings Horses (2006 Remastered LP Version)
AfroCubism- Benséma
AfroCubism- Jarabi
AfroCubism- Guantanamera
Nat King Cole- Angel Eyes (1992 Digital Remaster)
Ketty Lester- Love Letters (Straight from Your Heart)
Malouma- Tab ley’ât
Los Trevi- Ansiedad
Television- Venus
Sly & The Family Stone- I Want to Take You Higher
Kat Edmonson- Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most (Bonus Track)
Shuggie Otis- Strawberry Letter 23
Al Green- I’m Glad You’re Mine
Hurray For The Riff Raff- The New SF Bay Blues
Alabaster Deplume, Daniel Inzani- The Jester
Alabaster Deplume, Daniel Inzani- Tell Me
Juaneco y su Combo- Caballito Nocturno (Night Horse)
The Boswell Sisters- Shout, Sister, Shout
The Boswell Sisters- Nothing Is Sweeter Than You
The Boswell Sisters and The Dorsey Brothers Orchestra- Minnie The Moocher’s Wedding Day
The Boswell Sisters- I Thank You, Mr. Moon
The Boswell Sisters- I Hate Myself (For Being so Mean to You)
Jimmy Wyble- Seven (to George Van Eps)
Ollabelle- Two Steps
Carolina Chocolate Drops- Leaving Eden
Jessie Pratcher- Green Sally, Up
Los Corraleros De Majagual- Cumbia Campesina
Billy Strange- Ipcress File
Dave Van Ronk- Willie the Weaper
Aretha Franklin- Chain Of Fools [Unedited Album Version]
Ariana Daner- Desert Dreams
Jimmy Wyble- Eight
Ry Cooder- Teardrops Will Fall
Nina Simone- I Put A Spell On You
Melody Gardot- Les Etoiles
Led Zeppelin- Going to California
Led Zeppelin- Over the Hills and Far Away
Led Zeppelin- Misty Mountain Hop
Led Zeppelin- D’Yer Mak’er
Led Zeppelin- Dancing Days
Led Zeppelin- The Song Remains the Same
Led Zeppelin- The Crunge
The Fur Ones- Ashes 1
The Fur Ones- Gas Station
The Fur Ones- French Bread
The Fur Ones- Hopper (Shut Up Tree)
The Fur Ones- Hangover
The Fur Ones- The Bridge
The Fur Ones- Organic in the Park
The Fur Ones- Cowboys & Indians
Chrysalis- Summer in Your Savage Eyes
Chrysalis- 30 Poplar
Chrysalis- Father’s Getting Old
Chrysalis- April Grove
Chrysalis- What Will Become of the Morning
Chrysalis- Lacewing
The Boswell Sisters- Song Of The Dawn
Harry Belafonte- Brown Skin Girl
Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass- Cantina Blue
The Left Banke- Pretty Ballerina
Joni Mitchell- Woodstock
Joni Mitchell- The Circle Game
Joni Mitchell- Morning Morgantown
Joni Mitchell- For Free
Arthur Lyman- Dahil Sayo
Jacques Burtin- Solitude (Le hêtre pourpre)
La otra- La mama vieja
Leon Russell- Hummingbird
Dixie Cups- Girls Can Tell
Dixie Cups- Gee The Moon Is Shining Bright
Dixie Cups- Thank You Mama, Thank You Papa
Los Destellos- Dame Tu Cariño
Guy Clark- Hell Bent On a Heartache
Dixie Cups- Iko Iko
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel- (I Believe) Love’s a Prima Donna
The Velvet Underground- Here She Comes Now
Al Green- Love and Happiness
Richard & Mimi Fariña- Dandelion River Run
The Blues Magoos- Queen Of My Nights
Jesse Winchester- Dangerous Fun
The Band- Daniel And The Sacred Harp
Pacho Galan Y Su Orquesta- Cumbia Cienaguera
The Blues Project- I Can’t Keep From Crying Sometimes
Karine Polwart- Resolution Road
Jesse Winchester- All Of Your Stories
Jesse Winchester- Black Dog
Jesse Winchester- God’s Own Jukebox
Jesse Winchester- Payday
Jesse Winchester- Yankee Lady
Jesse Winchester- Biloxi
Jesse Winchester- Rosy Shy
Jesse Winchester- That’s A Touch I Like
Jesse Winchester- Quiet About It
Perrey And Kingsley- Cosmic Ballad
Pieta Brown- So Many Miles
Jim Gailloreto’s Jazz String Quintet- Bad Clowns
Mose Allison- Ever Since the World Ended
Mose Allison- Tumblin’ Tumbleweeds
Iron & Wine- Peace Beneath the City
Jjason Blackwell- One of Many Angels (title?)
Benny Goodman & his Orchestra- Your Mother’s Son-In-Law
Julie London- The Meaning Of The Blues (2002 – Remastered)
Patrick Adiarte;Children- Flower Drum Song – Original Broadway Cast: The Other Generation (Reprise) (Voice)
Pat Suzuki;Larry Blyden- Flower Drum Song – Original Broadway Cast: Sunday (Voice)
Anita Ellis;Jack Soo;Pat Suzuki;Ensemble- Flower Drum Song – Original Broadway Cast: At the Celestial Bar: Fan Tan Fannie; Gliding Through My Memoree; Grant Avenue (Reprise) (Voice)
Larry Blyden;Miyoshi Umeki- Flower Drum Song – Original Broadway Cast: Don’t Marry Me (Voice)
Pat Suzuki- Flower Drum Song – Original Broadway Cast: I Enjoy Being A Girl (Voice)
Juanita Hall;Patrick Adiarte;Ensemble- Flower Drum Song – Original Broadway Cast: Chop Suey (Voice)
Pat Suzuki;Ensemble- Flower Drum Song – Original Broadway Cast: Grant Avenue (Voice)
Norman Greenbaum- Good Lookin’ Woman
Malena Muyala- Tormenta
Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass- The Lonely Bull (El Solo Toro)
The Ditty Bops- Fish To Fry
The Ditty Bops- Nosy Neighbor
The Mills Brothers- Till Then
The Mills Brothers- Sleepy Head
John Coltrane- Lush Life
Iron & Wine- Boy With a Coin
Cream- Doing That Scrapyard Thing
Cream- Badge
Cream- What A Bringdown
Titus Turner- Leave My Kitten Alone (Alternate Version)
Titus Turner- Gavadonius Love
? & The Mysterians- 96 Tears
Slim Whitman- I’m Casting My Lasso Towards the Sky
The Skatalites- Skamania
The Boswell Sisters- Gee, But I’d Like to Make You Happy (feat. Helvetia “Vet” Boswell, Martha Boswell & Connee Boswell)
Mory Kante- Saratan
Mills Brothers- Rockin’ Chair
Harry Belafonte- Merci, Bon Dieu
Johnny Cash- You’re The Nearest Thing To Heaven
Johnny Cash- I Walk The Line
The Animals- One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show
Julie London- You’re Getting to Be a Habit With Me
The Doors- Summer’s Almost Gone
The Doors- Love Me Two Times
The Doors- Strange Days
The Doors- I Can’t See Your Face In My Mind
The Doors- My Eyes Have Seen You
The Doors- People Are Strange
The Doors- Unhappy Girl
Johnny Rivers- Summer Rain (1998 – Remaster)
The Unthanks- Queen Of Hearts
Nina Simone- Wild Is The Wind (Live In New York/1964)
Nina Simone- Work Song
Nina Simone- Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood
Laura Veirs- Sleeper In The Valley
Ernest Ranglin- Rock Me Steady
Agent Ribbons- Jamaica And The Wishing Shrine
Rajery- Awal
Johnny Cash- Bird On A Wire
Easy Star All-Stars- She’s Leaving Home (feat. Kirsty Rock)
Easy Star All-Stars- Lovely Rita (feat. Bunny Rugs and U Roy)
Melody Gardot- Love Me Like A River Does
Los Trevi- A Unos Ojos
The Louvin Brothers- The Christian Life
Valaida Snow- My Heart Belongs To Daddy
Emily Wells- Darlin’
Emily Wells- Instrumental
Emily Wells- Dirty Sneakers and Underwear
Emily Wells- Piece of It
Emily Wells- No Good
Emily Wells- Fire Song
Emily Wells- Let Your Guard Down
Emily Wells- Johnny Cash’s Mama’s House
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66- Night And Day
King Sunny Ade- Ja Fun Mi Dub
Syran Mbenza- Tour A Tour (Bonus Track)
Jacques Burtin- L’aube
Boubacar Traoré- Kanou (Le monde et fait pour qu’on s’aime) [with Madieye Niang]
Boubacar Traoré- Kayes Ba
Boubacar Traoré- Mali Twist
Boubacar Traoré- Improvisation 2 (with Ali Farka Touré)
Boubacar Traoré- Soundiata
Boubacar Traoré- Maciré (with Kélétigui Diabaté)
Boubacar Traoré- Duna ma yelema (with Ali Farka Touré)
Boubacar Traoré- Adieu pierrette
Boubacar Traoré- Samba
Boubacar Traoré- Je chanterai pour toi (with Madieye Niang)
Boubacar Traoré- Improvisation 1
Boubacar Traoré- Sa Golo (with Rokia Traoré)
Boubacar Traoré- Diarabi (with Alie Farka Touré)
Boubacar Traoré- Mouso teke soma ye
Boubacar Traoré- Kailou
Jessie Baylin- The Glitter
Jessie Baylin- Want
Jessie Baylin- By Any Rules
Jessie Baylin- Tick Tock
Jessie Baylin- Contradicting Words
Jessie Baylin- I’ll Cry For The Both Of Us
Jessie Baylin- Tennessee Gem
Jessie Baylin- Lonely Heaven
Jessie Baylin- Not A Day More
Jessie Baylin- Was I On Your Mind
Jessie Baylin- See How I Run
Mose Allison- Rollin’ Stone
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66- Berimbau
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66- O Pato
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66- Agua De Beber
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66- Tim Dom Dom
Little Feat- Two Trains
Little Feat- Spanish Moon
Little Feat- Dixie Chicken
Brian Eno- Spirits Drifting (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- Everything Merges With The Night (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- Zawinul/Lava (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- Becalmed (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- Golden Hours (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- Little Fishes (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- Sombre Reptiles (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- Another Green World (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- I’ll Come Running (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- The Big Ship (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- In Dark Trees (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- St Elmo’s Fire (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- Over Fire Island (2004 Digital Remaster)
Brian Eno- Sky Saw (2004 Digital Remaster)
Los Trevi- Como Plasma
Los Trevi- Buscame
Los Trevi- Mil Razones
Los Trevi- Promesa
Los Trevi- La Antorcha
Los Trevi- Pequeña
Los Trevi- Mi Pecado
Los Trevi- Tu
Los Trevi- Estamos En Paz
Los Trevi- Solo Dios
The John Renbourn Group- Talk About Suffering
Andy Pratt- Deer Song
Andy Pratt- Sittin’ Down in the Twilight
Andy Pratt- So Fine (It’s Frightening)
Andy Pratt- Who Am I Talking To
Andy Pratt- Give It All to Music
Andy Pratt- Summer, Summer
Andy Pratt- It’s All Behind You
Andy Pratt- Inside Me Wants Out
Kat Edmonson- (Just Like) Starting Over
Kat Edmonson- One Fine Day
Kat Edmonson- Just One of Those Things
Kat Edmonson- Angel Eyes
Kat Edmonson- Lovefool
Kat Edmonson- Night and Day
Kat Edmonson- Just Like Heaven
Kat Edmonson- Summertime
Kat Edmonson- Charade
Amy Winehouse- Monkey Man
Jesse Winchester- The Brand New Tennessee Waltz
The Osborne Brothers- Kentucky Waltz
Los Trevi- Los Ejes De Mi Carreta
Frank Fairfield- The Train That Took My Girl From Town
Jesse Winchester- Full Moon
The Jayhawks- Pray For Me
Los Trevi- Cuando Estoy Contigo
Crooked Still- You Got The Silver
Led Zeppelin- Gallows Pole
Rokia Traoré- Sakanto
Rokia Traoré- Sé
Rokia Traoré- Tchiwara
Rokia Traoré- Sabali
Rokia Traoré- Dianguina
Rokia Traoré- Laidu
Rokia Traoré- Fatalité
Rokia Traoré- Mouneïssa
Melody Gardot- Your Heart Is As Black As Night
Jim Kweskin, The Jug Band- Viola Lee
Various Artists- Viola Lee Blues
The Guess Who- Undun (Single Version)
Sons Of The Pioneers- Diesel Smoke
Jimmy Smith- Walk on the Wild Side
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66- Slow Hot Wind
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66- Going Out Of My Head
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66- Day Tripper
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66- Mas Que Nada
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66- The Joker
Tyrannosaurus Rex- Chariots of Silk
Mink DeVille- Cadillac Walk (2001 Digital Remaster)
Tim Hardin- How Can We Hang On To A Dream
Buffalo Springfield- The Hour Of Not Quite Rain
Tyrannosaurus Rex- The Misty Coast of Albany
Crazy Horse- Downtown
Crazy Horse- Crow Jane Lady
Ry Cooder- Money Honey
Kasey Chambers- Monkey On A Wire
The Plugz- Adolescent
The Plugz- Braintime
The Plugz- Electrify Me
The Plugz- A Gain – A Loss
The Plugz- Hombre Secreto
Plugz- Achin’
The Plugz- Gas Line
The Plugz- Touch for Cash
The Plugz- Blue Sofa
The Plugz- Red Eye #9
The Plugz- In the Wait
The Plugz- Better Luck
Los Trevi- A Primera Vista
Los Trevi- Cancion Del Corazon
Snakefinger- Womb To Worm
Snakefinger- The Man In The Dark Sedan
The Rolling Stones- Paint It, Black ((Original Single Mono Version))
Queen Latifah- California Dreamin’
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings- Something’s Changed
Richard Thompson Band- Al Bowlly’s in Heaven
Richard Thompson- 1952 Vincent Black Lightning
Edith Piaf- Mon Coeur Est Au Coin D’Une Rue
The Dukes Of Stratosphear- 25 O’Clock (2001 Digital Remaster)
David Bowie- The Stars (Are Out Tonight)
Tom Jones- Dimming Of The Day
Randy Newman- Lonely At The Top (Remastered LP Version)
Randy Newman- Last Night I Had A Dream (Remastered LP Version)
Randy Newman- God’s Song (That’s Why I Love Mankind) (Remastered LP Version)
Copia Doble Systema- Doble Troble
Edith Piaf- Mon Legionnarie
Copia Doble Systema- Boom Boom feat. Pepita and Shivani
Jim Gailloreto’s Jazz String Quintet- Well You Needn’t
Jim Gailloreto’s Jazz String Quintet- All The Things You Are
Sons Of The Pioneers- Tumbling Tumbleweeds
Alasdair Fraser- Mclaughlin’s Strathspey
Carolina Chocolate Drops- Why Don’t You Do Right?
Ethel Waters- What Did I Do To Be So – Black And Blue
Louis Armstrong- Blue Again
Jack Teagarden- I’ll Be Glad When You’re Dead – You Rascal, You
Ted Lewis- I’m Crazy ‘Bout My Baby
Bing Crosby & The Mills Bros- Dinah
Connie Boswell (with the Dorsey Brothers)- The River’s Taking Care Of Me
Teddy Wilson w Ella Fitzgerald- All My Life
Don Redman- Doin’ What I Please
Chick Bullock- Frankie And Johnnie
Spirits of Rhythm- My Old Man
Louis Prima- Chasin’ Shadows
Mildred Bailey- Lover Come Back To Me
Duke Ellington- Rose Of The Rio Grande
Teddy Wilson- Mean To Me
Midge Williams- Mama’s Gone, Goodbye
Henry Allen- (Trouble Ends) Out Where The Blue Begins
Boswell Sisters- Old Yazoo
Gutpuppet- Regarding Light
Blossom Dearie- Down With Love
Emily Wells- Mama’s Gonna Give You Love
Copia Doble Systema- Mundo Militar
The Unthanks- Last (Reprise)
Son Volt- Windfall
Jim Gailloreto’s Jazz String Quintet- Fair Weather
Jim Gailloreto’s Jazz String Quintet- Admit One
Hugo Montenegro & His Orchestra- Theme From “The Spy Who Came In From The Cold” (From The Paramount Picture “The Spy Who Came In From The Cold” – A Martin Ritt Production)
Hugo Montenegro & His Orchestra- Theme From The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (REMASTERED)
Hugo Montenegro & His Orchestra- The Silencers (From the Columbia Picture “The Silencers”)
Four Tops- Reach Out, I’ll Be There (Single Version (Mono))
Perrey And Kingsley- Spooks In Space
The Platters- You’ll Never Never Know (Single Version)
Various Artists- Sometimes I’m Happy
Kurt Elling- On Broadway
Kurt Elling- Pleasant Valley Sunday
Kurt Elling- I Only Have Eyes For You
The John Renbourn Group- Black Waterside
King Oliver’s Creole Jazz Band- Alligator Hop
La otra- Al son de los tambores
John Coltrane- Aisha
Toumast- Aitma
Easy Star All-Stars- Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! (feat. Ranking)
The Alley Cats- The Hotel
Son Volt- Tear Stained Eye
John Prine- Angel From Montgomery
Sons Of The Pioneers- Cool Water
The Real Group- Skylark
Club Foot Orchestra- Suerte De La Noche (Wild Beasts)
Club Foot Orchestra- Wild Beasts
The Boswell Sisters- When I Take My Sugar To Tea
Guy Clark- One Way Ticket Down
Ravi Shankar- Gat Kirwani (Digitally Remastered)
Ravi Shankar- Tala – Tabla Tarang (Digitally Remastered)
Ravi Shankar- Song From The Hills (Digitally Remastered)
Ravi Shankar- Tabla – Dhwani (Digitally Remastered)
Ravi Shankar- Dhun (Digitaly Remastered)
Ravi Shankar- Tala Rasa Ranga (1998 – Remaster)
Rajery- Kouroukanfouga
Fatoumata Diawara- Clandestin
Fatoumata Diawara- Boloko
Fatoumata Diawara- Mousso
Fatoumata Diawara- Alama
Fatoumata Diawara- Bissa
Fatoumata Diawara- Sonkolon
Fatoumata Diawara- Makoun Oumou
Fatoumata Diawara- Kèlè
Fatoumata Diawara- Bakonoba
Fatoumata Diawara- Kanou
Alabaster Deplume- As Once I Was
Kat Edmonson- I’m Not in Love
Harry Belafonte- Shenandoah
Harry Belafonte- Come Back Liza
David Bromberg- Sammy’s Song
Kasey Chambers- Troubled Mind
The Youngbloods- Four in the Morning
Los Trevi- AlmaCorazon Y Vida
Driss El Maloumi- Anfass
Stone Poneys- Evergreen Part One
Lizz Wright- A Taste Of Honey
David Bowie- Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)
Helen Kane- Me and the Man in the Moon
The Rolling Stones- Congratulations ((Original Single Mono Version))
Pentangle- Lyke-Wake Dirge
Josh Lopes- Hundo
Captain Beefheart and The Magic Band- Too Much Time
Captain Beefheart and The Magic Band- My Head Is My Only House Unless It Rains
Captain Beefheart and The Magic Band- Her Eyes Are A Blue Million Miles
Richard & Linda Thompson- Streets of Paradise
Dead Boys- Not Anymore/ Ain’t Nothin’ To Do (Medley) (LP Version-Bonus Track)
Dead Boys- Not Anymore
Dead Boys- All This And More
Sons Of The Pioneers- Riders In The Sky
Sons Of The Pioneers- Old Man Atom
Johnny Rivers- Secret Agent Man
Richard Thompson- Night Comes In
Richard Thompson- Dimming Of The Day / Dargai (Edit)
Richard Thompson- For Shame Of Doing Wrong
Spirits of Rhythm- Dr Watson And Mr Holmes
The Kimberly Five- Riding for a Fall
The Incredible String Band- The Juggler’s Song
The Incredible String Band- Time
Nat King Cole Trio- No Moon At All (1993 Digital Remaster)
Juanita Hall;Keye Luke- Flower Drum Song – Original Broadway Cast: The Other Generation (Voice)
Johnny Cash- We’ll Meet Again
Helen Humes- Alligator Blues
Helen Humes- Cross-Eyed Blues
Helen Kane- I Want to Be Bad
Television- Friction
Helen Merrill- Yesterdays
Tyrannosaurus Rex- She Was Born to Be My Unicorn
Tyrannosaurus Rex- Cat Black (The Wizard’s Hat)
Tyrannosaurus Rex- The Pilgrim’s Tale
Fatoumata Diawara- Sowa
Fatoumata Diawara- Wililé
Sue Richards- Gin Ye Kiss My Wife I’ll Tell the Minister
Nat King Cole Trio- Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (1993 Digital Remaster)
Various Artists- This Subdues My Passion
Nico- Winter Song
Stacey Kent- La saison des pluies
Amy Winehouse- Our Day Will Come
Rokia Traoré- Finini
The Boswell Sisters- Stay on the Right Side of the Road
Johnny Cash- God’s Gonna Cut You Down
Gil Scott-Heron- Me And The Devil
Gil Scott-Heron- Me And The Devil (NYC Orchestral Version)
Patty Griffin- Get Ready Marie
Harry Belafonte- Jamaica Farewell (1992 February Digitally Mastered)
Brian Eno + David Byrne- Help Me Somebody
Bob Dylan- Tiny Montgomery
Russia- Gotta Get Away
Joe Liggins- The Honeydripper
Dave Van Ronk- Georgie and the Irt
Studio Group- 100 Million Miracles
Daughters of Albion- 1968 / John Flip Lockup
Rick Holmstrom- 77 Red V8
Christopher Parkening- Albeniz: Leyenda
Woody Herman- America Drinks And Goes Home (Instrumental)
Monitor- Beak (Bonus Track)
Jimmy Smith- The Cat
Dixie Cups- Chapel Of Love
David Wilcox- Chet Baker’s Unsung Swan Song
The Chieftains- Coast of Malabar
The Rolling Stones- Coming Down Again
The Rolling Stones- Dancing With Mr D
Charlotte Glasson- Daughters of Albion
TK Major- Dog Catching Flying Saucer
Frank Zappa- The Duke Of Prunes
Alfred Drake- Fate
The Blues Project- Fly Away
Ramblin’ Jack Elliott- Guabi Guabi
Gillian Welch- Hard Times
The Five Royales- Help Me Somebody
The Velvet Underground & Nico- Heroin
The Flamingos- I Only Have Eyes for You
Randy Newman- I Think It’s Going To Rain Today
The Selecter- James Bond
the everybodyfields- Leaving
Johnny Cash- Long Black Veil
Dave Van Ronk- Mean World Blues
Valaida Snow- Minnie the Moocher
Kraftwerk- The Model (2009 Digital Remaster)
Monitor- Mokele-Mbembe
Pixies- Monkey Gone To Heaven
Robert Plant- Morning Dew
The Rolling Stones- Mother’s Little Helper
Orchestra Baobab- Mouhamadou Bamba
Alley Cats- Nothing Means Nothing Anymore
Kaleidoscope- Oh Death
Was (Not Was)- Out Come The Freaks
The Rolling Stones- Paint It, Black
The Osborne Brothers- Paper Rosie
Monitor- Pet Wedding (Bonus Track)
Kraftwerk- Radioactivity (2009 Remastered Version)
The Platters- Red Sails In The Sunset
Kraftwerk- The Robots (2009 Digital Remaster)
Gillian Welch- Ruination Day Part 2
The Stingrays- Santa Ana
Benny Goodman- Sing, Sing, Sing
Was (Not Was)- The Sky’s Ablaze
Billy Strange- The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
The Boswell Sisters- Stop the Sun, Stop the Moon
Stealers Wheel- Stuck In The Middle With You (Remastered)
B.B. King- Summer In The City
Johnny Cash- Sunday Morning Coming Down
Was (Not Was)- Tell Me That I’m Dreaming
Jimmy Wyble- Thirteen (to Jimmy Rowles)
Kasey Chambers- ‘Til Death Do Us Part
The Blues Project- Two Trains Running
The Velvet Underground & Nico- Venus In Furs
The Left Banke- Walk Away Renee
Benny Goodman feat. Peggy Lee- The Way You Look Tonight
Was (Not Was)- Where Did Your Heart Go?
Benny Goodman feat. Peggy Lee- Why Don’t You Do Right
Malouma- Yarab
Susan Tedeschi- You Got The Silver
The Doors- You’re Lost Little Girl


Possession and belief…

People who believe they are possessed live in a world of fevered imagination disguised (to them) as correlation and connection… it becomes self-fulfilling, in terms of increasing dysfunction and despair.

When I was a kid, I would become enormously frustrated by physical processes. It seemed *things* had a will of their own at times. I now understand that I had some functional disconnects between my motor system and my conscious/volitional system that generated enormous frustration (part of why I was not able to learn to play music until I was an adult)… when I became aware of ‘poltergeist’ phenomena, it was like ‘everything was suddenly explained’… only, of course, it was an explanation that, however ‘satisfying’ or ‘explanatory’ it seemed on some levels at the time, proved to be a fugue of invention and rationalization.


The Wise Man and the Traveler

A wise man was sitting outside the gated walls of a great city.

A traveler approached. “Tell me wise man, what kind of people will I find here?”

“What kind of of people did you find in the city from where you came?” asked the wise man.

“Good and kind. Generous and friendly.”

“You will find the same, here, traveler.”

Later that same day, another traveler approached the wise man.

“Wise man — what sorts of men and women live in yon city?”

“What sorts of people did you find in the city you are coming from?”

“Fools and dolts, cheats and swindlers. A pack of liars.”

“Sadly, my friend, you will find the same here.”
